Chapter 18 - Here we go again

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Hello everybody, thanks for reading.

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 18

"Credence? Credence?!" It was Grindelwald. "Get away from him! He is dead, you don't have any power over him. It is all your fault. Because of your stupid words", it was nothing more than a whisper, Malenas voice wasn't strong enough. Gellert Grindelwald apparated, directly onto the street, where she had found Credence. The street, where he had met Grindelwald. "Where is Albus?", he asked. His whisper was as desperate as Mals and that made it even worse. "He went out to ask one of his alchemy friends because of some kind of plan, hours ago, together with Perenelle. I am not good at healing spells, I couldn't do anything against it", Nicholas Flamel reported. Grindelwalds face twisted into a grimace, as he heard their voice. He shoved Mal away from Credence and squatted down next to him. He put one of his hands onto Credence chest, closed his eyes, just as Mal had tried, and partly whispered, partly sang: "Vulnera Sanentur... Vulnera Sanentur... Vulnera Sanentur." No magic came out of Grindelwalds hands. He drew his wand and tried again. Still, nothing happened. "I got you, Credence. You won't die. Listen to me, you won't die. Not like Ariana", he whispered. No one except Malena was near enough to hear it. "Give up, you can't save him anymore", Leta said, Mal could hear the tears in her voice. Grindelwald did not even turn in her direction, as he said: " You better be quiet, Lestrange. The last time you gave up fighting, he got abused and turned into an obscurial, because of you. Every time I give up in my life, I lose something or someone. I have lost too much. Credence won't be on that list. And even though he has chosen to be against me, I won't let him die." Mal did have to look at him twice, as she realized that Grindelwald was crying, together with everyone in this room. And then, as everyone was silent, she heard someone laugh. She had heard that laugh before. It was Credence. "I was right. You are on the wrong way, with the right intentions. Plottwist. I hope you remember this day some time again and tell yourself: maybe I should have given up then. Either giving up or failing forever, Grindelwald. And I believe that giving up to do the right thing is better." Malena saw his lips moving. Malena, I love you. She loved him too, and this day had made it clear to her, how much.

"What's your name?" Grindelwald, Grindelwald, Grindelwald was talking to him. Why was he here? What on earth had brought him here? Maybe it was because he was stupid. More stupid than usual. "My name's Krall, sir." He lifted one eyebrow and Krall knew that he was judging him. "Are you really sure that it is the right decision for you? Do you swear to give everything you have to the greater good? Will you defend your belief in it at all times, even when threatened with torture, death or other?" "Yes", he murmured. Krall knew that Grindelwald did not believe him. "And at least: what is your reason to be here?" Why did he have to know that? He wasn't ready to tell it anyone and especially not Grindelwald. "If you are not willing to tell the truth, you are not able to serve in my army, Krall. Or you won't be able to do anything at all. It depends" Grindelwald was scary. Not because of his looks, not because he was the darkest wizard that had ever existed. But because he was so kind to everybody but could be so brutal at times. There was no plan on how to deal with him. He was uncontrollable. Krall heard the threat in Grindelwalds voice. It had been his choice and there was nothing that would make him give it up. You promised it. You promised it by your life and you won't give up, not now. Don't be a coward, Krall. At then end, you will win. You promised by the last words of your sister, told him his brain. He couldn't listen to it, there was just fear in him, he was no hero. He had never been, and there was no way that he was able to do this without dying. Krall was not ready to die now. Your sister wasn't ready either. "I'm sorry, sir. My family was murdered by the", he took a deep breath, "the ministry, just because they were werewolves. Our family had a long history of purebloods, until my mother was bitten. She had founded a school to help other werewolves control themselves. Everything... They destroyed everything, but couldn't see what they had done. This is why I am here. I want to built up again, what my mother built. You say, control and belief are the two things in life that can change everything. I believe that there is no sense in living in a world, where people murder without looking twice. We were werewolves, but we were good. We never killed anybody, we were controlling ourselves. And I hope you can give me a better future than what I had to leave behind", Krall said loudly. Grindelwald did not hesitate. He believed him, finally. The pain made it easier to relate to people. And sometimes, in the time he would now be one of Grindelwalds acolytes, he saw the same pain in Grindelwalds face, as in the face he saw in the mirror every morning. They were both fighting for something, but Krall did not fight, unlike Grindelwald, in a war that was already lost. Krall had a chance of winning, he would win, if he just did not leave Grindelwald. But he had to stay because of other reasons than what Grindelwald thought.

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