Chapter 11 - The greatest Obscurial

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Chapter 11

He tried to look away, tried to ignore the Applause,  but it didn't work. As if Grindelwald was a magnet, he drew attention from everywhere. He smiled at the members of the gamot, as if they were his audience, he smiled at everyone. Grindelwald really behaved like a born king. But something was wrong. Grindelwald wouldn't greet those he hated most as equals. He was convinced that everybody who didn't believe in his vision, was inferior to him, especially these ministers. Grindelwald slowly walked around, so he could be sure that everyone really had seen him, before he sat down. "Good day, ladies and gentlemen. I am here today, to tell you what really happened, why I am fighting for the right cause." Dumbledore didn't even try to be quiet. He was not willing to let anyone talk about Ariana or him, if Grindelwald really was willing to sacrifice these memories, well, Albus Dumbledore wasn't. "But you are not fighting for the right cause and there is no way to justify the mass murder for a greater good. Even someone as brilliant as you should know that killing children isn't the right way", he interrupted him. Dumbledores brain worked faster than ever. If Grindelwald would understand that he was talking about Ariana, he would have to shut up. "Keep quiet, old man. Someone as stupid and ignorant as you shouldn't have the right to talk to me. Besides, I never murdered a child. Lawyer, please make him stop interrupting me. I don't even know this person, he seems to be a lot older than me and he doesn't know what he is talking about. You can clearly see that he is mad" Albus almost started laughing. This wasn't Gellert Grindelwald, this was Krall, one of his followers. Grindelwald knew his birthday, he had celebrated it with him, then. He would have known that Dumbledore was only two years older than him. "This is Albus Dumbledore, one of the most brilliant wizards of your history, and I believe that he is widely known all around the world. It is believed that he is about as powerful as you are, Mr. Grindelwald. But if you really don't want him here..." Grindelwald would have known his name better than anyone. "I'll leave the court freely for today, so he can calm down. I didn't intend to hurt the accused person", Dumbledore said.

On his way out of the ministry, he thought about his vision, the dream Grindelwald had sent him. Especially his words. I guess, I won't see you personally in a long time. He had changed his plans before, he had known that he wouldn't come to meet the wizengamot. It had all just been a trap, Grindelwald really was on his way to Paris now. And Newt didn't know about it. He quickly sent an owl to Paris. It all began to start again.

"Get up", he heard someone else say. He didn't remember exactly since when he had been lying on this carpet, but he didn't want to get up again. If he really was such a failure, who let Grindelwald escape out of his own hotel room, then he wasn't the only one to do it. "I said: Get up! I didn't break international laws to see you here lying on the carpet, because you are scared of Grindelwald" "Tina?" "No, I am not Leta Lestrange, sorry to disappoint you" The harsh tone in her voice let Newt stand up. She was definitely angry. She had every right in the world to be angry. "I sincerely apologize, Tina" She just looked at him. "Well, good that you have said it" "Umm... Sorry... Are you alright?" "Not really, Newt. It's just a bad time, now that Grindelwald is on his way to Paris. We've all had nightmares of him talking to us and sometimes it isn't all that easy. Anyways we are all glad you are okay. Queenie and Jacob are waiting down the street, in a cafe, Jacob loves these french bakeries" "I never wanted you to be Leta. Leta doesn't care about me and I shouldn't either. I am really sorry."

"Welcome to Circus Arcanus, Ladies and Gentlemen, Monsieurs et Dames. Tonight, you all will be witnessing one of the greatest shows possibly ever seen. Our circus is home to strange creatures, mysterious humans and some that may be both. Anyway, they are all excited to meet you. And now, one of our highlights today: Paris, please welcome: the enchanting snake girl and her companion, the master of darkness!", Skender declared, his voice was magically made louder, just like the voices of the artists.

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