Chapter 29 - Credence is finally free

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Hello everybody, thanks for reading. It's all coming to an end sometime.... But not today. 

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 29

"Maybe... Maybe there is no cure", he whispered. "I had the same thought. Credence, you shouldn't... I don't think you should believe anyone anymore. It's not that... I mean... I don't believe that anyone can cure it except yourself. Everybody else lies, if they believe that it is possible. I learned a lot in the circus, I learned a lot from you. But the most important thing, I always knew. You decide if it kills you or not", Malena said. They were hiding in the dark building, which Credence had destroyed. The darkness hid them from the eyes of the non magic and the aurors. They both had no idea what they were waiting for. But still, they stayed there. "I decide if it kills me. I decide if it kills me, Malena. And I decide if it kills someone else, right?", a crazy glance showed up in Credence eyes, but Malena did not notice. There was something she had to tell him. "You know what a Maledictus is. The carrier of a bloodcurse. And that's the point. A curse. It's not a disease, it's not like an obscurus. I got cursed, Credence. Because I did something wrong", she said and tried to sound calm, which did not really work. "Everybody does things wrong, and if you got cursed... I don't have a problem with you, because you are a Maledictus", Credence tried to reassure her. "You don't understand what I am saying. I am cursed, Credence. And not in the sense you think. Someone cursed me, and if I ever get a child, it could get the curse too. Even if my child is not cursed, her children will be, and everybody that comes after me. And you know why? It is totally stupid, you don't want to know it. But I have to tell you, because if I don't, I can't live with myself. I lied, I betrayed all the friends I once had, my family, so I could survive, in my home town. For money, for my own sake. Once I met a witch, and I needed food and... I pretended to be someone I was not, pretended to be helpless, so I could get her money. The witch found out, and she told me that everybody should see the monster I am, the snake which is myself. And now I am turning into a real snake, because I did bad things, some of them I won't tell you, because to talk about it makes it just worse. I am not like you, Credence. I deserve to be a monster, I deserved to suffer and you should go... You should leave me, now, before I hurt you, I betray you or worse. I should have told you before. I should have told you many times. You have your own destiny, your own fate, but you can fight against it. I can't. I don't want you to fail, after everything you have done. But if you stay with me any longer, you will fail, you will die, because a raven and a snake aren't supposed to be together", Malena said, wiping tears from her face, but she stood up resiliently from the dark corner. Credence had no idea what she wanted to do, but it probably was nothing good. "Malena. You're not going anywhere alone. I am not leaving you, no matter what you say, no matter what you did. I killed at least three people if not more and destroyed about twenty or thirty buildings. Your past does not define you. You said that there is always something better than death. I know what happens if you leave people alone, abandon them, in hope to make your own life better. If I leave you, you're almost dead. And who cares if we aren't supposed to be together? You saved my life, do you really think that I would leave you when you need me most? I love you Malena, and that won't change, even if you are a serial killer", Credence said, and in the second he whispered her name, she took his hand, and they both walked out of the shadow. Even though they had no idea what to do next, they would survive somehow, because they decided.

Secrets hurt more when you realized too late that you had them. Leta could not look back without thinking that she had done so many things wrong, too many lies, too many bad things she said. She especially regretted the things she said to Newt. Leta Lestrange had been in love with Newt Scamander since her sixth year. And she did not even realize it. Realize how much she had, and now, now that she saw him again, she realized that she should have loved him when she had the chance to. But instead of dong so, she had pushed him away, every word like a knife in her hands. As if Newt had not given her his everything, as if he had not deserved to be loved more than anybody else. But she had given her chance away, she told herself, every night, when she was crying, back-to-back with Theseus. But now, now, as Newt was really standing in front of her, she realized that she would never be able to love Theseus as much as she loved his brother. Newt didn't deserve her, he deserved someone that appreciated him, someone who would never break his heart, someone that did not value freedom over everything, even over friendship, someone who had not been scared of love for her whole life. Newt deserved someone who was not her. She had to do him this last favor, she had to help him hunt down Grindelwald, the only way to make up her sins, because in her heart, she still felt like a traitor. She would have betrayed him and Theseus and everybody around her, just to feel free. But there were two thoughts in her brain, two that tried to devour her. One was that she was a traitor and the other thought was that she could be free. Grindelwald would have understood her, someone who felt misunderstood. And her brain had realized that Grindelwald was trying to get the outcasts to join him, that this was manipulation, but still, if she had stopped crying, if she ran out of tears in the morning, she thought about her life as an acolyte. Traitor, it echoed back to her. One day, she would have to decide between betrayal and selflessly loving the brother of the person she was helplessly in love with. But Newt should be happy, was the third thought, the thought that built her up again, the only thing that made her run right now, the only thing that stopped her from breaking. Leta had been in Paris, every easter and stayed with Newt every Christmas. The memories would haunt her, even if she would get over it somehow. Leta wanted a new beginning, but she knew that what she wanted was not important anymore. Leta Lestrange had learned that you had to be selfless too, because if you are not, you lose what you want to have over everything else.

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