Chapter 6 - ... and of darkness

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Hello everybody. So, this is the first chapter in which Malena will appear. Malena is my Version of Nagini (I didn't know she was Nagini at that Point). But it also Kind of fits into my story, because Malena/ Mal (Mal= Maledictus), normally thinks that names just degrade her to the cure she is trying to fight. Untiil Credence Comes along, but that's the Story of another chapter. I also chose only a fiew People (Vinda, Credence father, Krall) as acolytes, they are the most important in the story. Okay, that should explain everything.

Hope you like it (feel free to Review, I would love to get Feedback),

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 6

A second later the self-doubt came back. Of course others didn't think he was a hero beause they believed their governments and couldn't understand the concept of the greater good. They didn't know how desperatly he wished for a better world. A world, in which Ariana didn't die. "Master, we're about to land in Paris", Krall stated. He was an average looking person, only few knew his secret. His whole team had contacts all over the world but every single one of them had a special ability, which made them different. Vinda was especially convincing and one of the best aurors around the globe, Corvus was naturally skilled in dark arts and defensive magic and Krall... How Krall came to them was a longer story. All of his relatives were dead, and he had never really learned magic at a school. His magic was just there. No one would have expected him to join Grindelwald. Krall was kind, and he always tried to be nice and friendly to everyone around him. But his family had been murdered, when he had only been a baby. He and his family were werewolves, and his sister had accidently bitten a human, when she transformed for the first time. His family trained werewolves around the world to a peaceful life, teaching them how to control the wolf inside them. There was no one more brutal than Krall, he could transform in seconds from the peaceful animal loving human to a bloodthirsty beast. He wanted revenge. They all did. For whatever reason, the people following Grindelwald were all powerful, without a doubt. But society didn't accept as they were. Most aurors in France were jealous of Vinda, and the government had thought a fiew times about kicking her out, just so the hate would stop. Corvus Lestrange wanted nothing but finding his son, his former relatives and friends had left him, when they heard that his daughter had married the brother of a blood traitor.

"Good morning, Sir" "Good morning, Newt. As you have heard, Grindelwald escaped from prison. We'll have to do something against him, and you and I are the only ones that are able to find him" "Umm... Why me?" "I can't move against Grindelwald, Newt. It has to be you, because... The most important thing right now is that he will come to Paris. We will have to prevent Grindelwald from getting there, because if he does, we all won't be safe." "Got it" "Before it isn't one hundred procent sure that his target is really Paris, you won't leave London" "Why not, Professor? Wouldn't it be wiser to follow him and get him before it is too late?" "No. No, Newt it's not." "But..." "You don't have the time to question me right now. Getting to Paris is of course only the second part of his plan" "How do you know so much, Sir?" "I do have spies all over the world, but if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore. So, it is our priority to stay here, in London, to get Grindelwald from manipulating. The second phase of my plan will be that you and your friends, which you luckily brought with you, travel to Paris and meet Nicholas Flamel. It is important that you stay in contact with me, the whole time in which the plan takes place" "But, why does it have to be me?" "You are simply the only one who can do it. I hope that's enough for today, I will explain more to you, when we meet the next time", Dumbledore was about to apperate. The whole time, they had been looking at the skyline of London. Newt had never ever been on the roofs of London before, but it wasn't as special as he had thought it would be. It rained on him and it was pretty cold here. Suddenly, a memory came him in mind. "Sorry, did you say Paris?" Dumbledore turned around and nodded. "Newt, you'll get a cold if you'll stand in the rain any longer", he said lifting one eyebrow, while he handed him his hat. "Thanks, Professor", Newt said. "Don't forget to give it back to me" But Newt had disapparated as fast as he could, Dumbledores words were left in the rain. Leta was in Paris. She had sent him an invitation to her engagement party there, Newt had no idea how the owl even found him, because a totally wrong address was written on the card. Even if she was engaged to Theseus, he wouldn't let her die. Leta and Theseus were trapped in Paris, alone with Grindelwald and no one except him had the chance to save them. He knew what he had to do. And even if he was breaking Dumbledores instructions, he had to save them.

Newt hated being loyal, he hated that he couldn't do anything but saving Leta and his brother. Dumbledore had called him a hero, he said that only true heroes would make such a big sacrifice. But Newt was no hero. Heroes had chosen to fight against evil. Newt didn't think of himself as loyal nor as a hero. In a way, he was just egoistic. He didn't save Leta just because of Leta, but he did it, because he knew that Leta meant too much to him, he couldn't let her die and live with the consequences. It was stupid, it was dangerous. He was so stupid. Theseus would protect Leta. But he didn't believe his brain. He should have been there, their engagement party, there in Paris. Newt would never hide in the shadows, something inside told him to save his friends. And the worst thing was that he couldn't do anything against it. He didn't know where he was going, just anywhere but London. He disapparated and apparated too much, he was beginning to feel dizzy. But he would only be able to rest, when he had arrived in Paris.

Her life had been degraded to words. She was no longer a person, she was a creature, locked in her cage so people could stare at her. No one would call her a miracle, no one would ever appreciate her personality. Maledictus. Only one word to end her free life. There will be a stage in your life, where you won't be human anymore, the physicians had said. But technically she was already an animal by now. The visitors didn't see her as a human, they saw her as a curiosity. She had never wanted to turn in animal. It just was there one day, and she couldn't do anything against it. She didn't even have a name. Not really. The 'enchanting snake girl' was no real name, neither was nagini. It was just something that described her state. They all dreamed of freedom and independence, of a normal life. Not that the life in the Circus wasn't good. It was magical, but they all knew the reality, that they weren't normal and that this was the reason people clapped, not because they were appreciated for who they really were. They had enough food and a place to sleep. She should be thankful, Skender would say. And she was thankful. But she didn't want to be stared at, she should have free rights. Skender had found them all, he knew all of their secrets. The circus was the only kind of home she had. She depended on Skender and he depended on him. As if her life wasn't as terrible enough, turning into a snake for money wasn't as entertaining as it sounded. But still, the members of the circus were the only family she had. Every time, she turned into the snake, could be the last time. She had never felt the desire to give herself a name. It simply wasn't necessary. Her whole life she had lived at the Circus. The only name she accepted for herself was Mal, like all names it was just another form of saying that she was a maledictus. Words destroyed her life and the same words built her up again. Mal didn't care about other humans. She had the opinion that if they didn't care about her, she wouldn't care about them either. Mal would turn into a snake either way. There was no one who really cared about her. The members of the Circus had enough problems themselves, they didn't need her problems too. Only Skender was there for her, and even if she sometimes argued with him, he was there for her. The most people didn't understand her, why she could smile so much but still knew that her life could change drastically from one moment to another. The truth was that she had no other choice. She had learned in the Circus that things you didn't work for, things you can't blame yourself for, these things didn't deserve big parts of her life. She lived her life as if she would die the next day, but she knew that she wasn't the only one. Being a maledictus had influenced and changed her life, but she wouldn't let one word control her.

The tears came anyway. He was alone. Alone and cursed to die. Maybe the obscurus was just a dream, an illusion. What if he was actually a normal boy, with a normal family, who had a strange nightmare. But Credence couldn't wake up out of it, caught in the desperate search for a cure. And he was sure that there was none. He should have found one before, if there was one, the wizards would have given him the cure instead of shooting him. Credence had no idea why he wasn't dead by now. He had read too much in the library, he had heard of people that came back from the dead. People that deserved a second chance. But he didn't believe in legends, although he believed in magic. He was running through the streets of Paris, he didn't look at the people surrounding him, No one looked at him. He didn't care about the beautiful houses nor the huge Eiffel tower. The only thing he wanted was to find Flamel. He would help him, because he was a good person. There are no good people. They all just want to use you. He told his inner obscurus to shut up. Newt had helped him and Tina did. Was it irony that the only humans that wanted to help him were of the same kind as those who had left him alone? As his feet touched the ground, he felt that he wasn't in New York anymore. This was Paris. A new city, a new beginning, maybe? Nicholas Flamel should be here somewhere... Why didn't he take a city map with him? He couldn't ask strangers, he didn't speak the language. He saw so many people smiling and dancing around the street. There was nothing more depressive than people smiling. Still, he was smiling at them, as if the new city could have changed his sight of the world. And they were smiling back at him.

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