Chapter 7 - Beauty and the Snake

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This is the chapter in which her (Malena, if you want to call her that) being Nagini really explains a lot and helps me as a writer. If you've read the Harry Potter books, you probably know that Naginis venom has Magic abilities, like I imagined Malenas snake form to have (I didn't think she would be a normal snake) to be. For example, it can heal and restore a body (like in Voldemorts case). Anyway, back to the Story.

Hope you enjoy reading, as always

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 7

Queenie wanted to shut herself out from everything. Everybody had problems, everybody struggled. And sometimes she couldn't take it all – Tinas self doubt and Newts secrets. She listened too much, she saw and heard too much. She wanted to help them all, but she couldn't. This was the problem, not memories and the problems. Queenie, she had never had had the chance to ask her mother what her name meant. But in a sense, she understood — she had to be strong, stronger than most people. Most couldn't carry all pain, most would break, maybe this was the reason why she was one of the few legillimens in the world. Even if it was sometimes too much, she knew that she was meant to do this. The only one able to do so. Newt and Tina were fighting over something. Jacob was incredibly happy about being here, she knew. He wasn't supposed to be in this world, he should't know about any of this, but he wanted to be a part of it badly. Queenie used too much of her time thinking about other peoples problems.

"Please, Tina, Dumbledore said that it's best to stay here. Best for all of us", Newt tried to say. Tina didn't listen, but Queenie did. She could almost hear his thoughts, see his memories. So many stories, so much pain and hope, followed by the realization that Newt would do anything to save his loved ones. Even lie. "No, Newt, it ain't best, we can't let Grindelwald attack innocents again, we can't let him be free. I am an auror, you have to trust me on this, even though I know you don't. Please, please realize, that even Dumbledore makes mistakes. And I know he is wise and everything but I can't sit and watch while the world around me is being destroyed" They were sitting in a hotel room, Newt had booked for them, for the time being. It was quite nice, the walls were made of stone, so the magic wouldn't be noticed by the muggles around. "Hey, hey, hey. You know we can fix this problem, if we just sit down and talk this out like adults. I don't wanna interrupt your discussion, but why don't we sleep a night over this and tomorrow everything will look a bit clearer", Jacob interrupted. Queenie loved Jacob, because all of these little moments, because he didn't think like Tina did or Newt or herself. She loved him because he was himself, because he was a muggle. Silence between Tina and Newt, no one dared to say anything. "Did I say somethin' wrong?", Jacob wondered. "I agree with Jacob. We should talk about this tomorrow again. Today was a little too much at once", still silence, "Right, Teenie?" Tina looked up from the floor, her eyes had stared holes into the carpet (or maybe it had only been her wand). Tina took a slow breath. "Right, Queenie"

The darkness wouldn't leave him, with or without control and Nicholas Flamel probably didn't live here. Maybe Credence was lost, maybe he went into the wrong direction, but either way, he wouldn't survive long enough to find back — he held it back for too long and now it was too strong to control it any longer. The walls on his inside, in his brain, couldn't keep him save any longer. The obscurus was ready to return to his true form, and he was hungrier than ever. It wanted to devour everything around him. The people, the beautiful houses. And with them, he would kill Credence. He was too tired to do anything, he didn't want to fight against it anymore, because he had already lost. He would die anyway, there was nothing that would change that. His whole body felt heavy, and the bright lanterns blurred right in front of his eyes. He shouldn't feel like this, this was his life, he shouldn't let a magic evil force rule him. Credence didn't feel the stone, where he was lying. He didn't feel anything. Just this incredibly terrible power, his magic. Usually, the magic came with anger, sadness or in his sleep, when he had nightmares. Normally, there was logic behind it. logic helped him defeat the monster inside. But there was no logic to it this time. The wanted to give up, he didn't want to fight against it. Maybe it was better this way, maybe he wasn't made for beating such force. If it was his fate to die with an obscurus inside, then there was nothing to do against it. If he died, would the obscurus die too? He would search for a new host but there would be no new one. This was the only way. He wasn't burn a fighter or a wizard. He was born with a monster inside and monsters had to be killed. Credence wasn't strong enough to fight it, and if he wasn't able to fight, then there was no other possibility. All he had ever wanted was to be normal. He never wanted magic, he never wanted the demon inside him. He didn't see anything, he felt the obscurus inside him, around him. If this was the end, then he was ready.

Don't talk to strangers, don't stare, don't listen to other peoples conversation, just try to be a normal average human. Mal didn't really like other people, they all thought they had the right to judge her. The weird circus girl. She didn't look at them, but she knew that they cooked at her. "Why is she wearing a snake looking dress? Why would anyone do something like that for money? Is that a real job? Can she kill someone, when she is a snake?" Sometimes Mal wanted to turn into a snake, just, so they would for once shut up. She wandered through the streets, like every evening. Mal didn't know why she did this. Maybe it was some kind of ritual for her, but maybe she had not given up her hope on seeing Nicholas Flamel, the famous wizard. But rumors said that he had locked himself up in his house to work on a secret project and never left the house. She loved Paris, with all the lights and lanterns, its magic and the people in pretty dresses. Every time she went through the city, she felt like a part of this magical community. As if she wasn't cursed to transform into an animal for the rest of her life, as if she was just like these witches and wizards who had fun and were happy. Magic was a part of their life, it improved everything. For them, magic was a blessing, for Mal it was a curse. They all saw the same stars although their lives were totally different.

Time didn't stop, for nothing and for no one. At least Mal had thought that until this moment. She couldn't hear her heartbeat, or these other cheesy things people in books and movies said and did. She saw a boy with dark hair in an old suit, lying on the stone pavement, his eyes closed, lost in this big city. All life and happiness and light had disappeared out of his body. Out of his skin poured darkness, out of the tips of his fingers. No one should die this way. The moment was over, by then, Mal was standing next to him. He reminded her of all the sadness she had felt when she had arrived in Paris, she knew the feeling of wanting to give up too good. He was just like her, a stranger to this city, searching for a nonexistent cure. This huge love for a stranger out of nothing almost crushed her down. She wouldn't let him die here. A second later she had already pressed her lips on his, she felt her skin slowly turning into scales and wished for nothing more than that this would save this strange boy and that neither of them would die in the process.

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