Chapter 10 - Or worse: expelled

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Hello everybody,

thanks for reading, enjoy!

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 10

Leta was the only real friend he had ever had — Most people thought of Newt as the weird guy with an obsessive amount of love for animals. He annoyed others, because he stuttered too often or wasn't interested in their so special hobbies such as doing some boring sport, playing some totally not interesting instruments or talk about the new gossip. Newt didn't want to lie to people, he didn't want to pretend to like any of them. If he didn't care about something, than he shouldn't be forced to act as if he would. Leta was the only person that understood him. She liked beasts as much as he did. At least he had thought that she did. There were so many things Leta had done wrong in her life, but Newt didn't care. Too late. He couldn't hold the memories back, now that he had thought about it.

"You did what?!" "I had to help it. There was no other way. I didn't know that it would attack Sebastian" "You should have told me, Leta. You can't just take a jarvey to Hogwarts without telling anyone" She smiled. "You mean, when I want to break school rules, next time, I should let you do the important part? No Newt, I won't. I couldn't tell anyone, especially not you. You would have adopted it or something and would have kept it forever. I just wanted to help it. But it doesn't matter now, Sebastian's already told the headmaster. I can't do anything against my expulsion", she said. Newt saw the tears in her eyes. He hated to see her sad. "Leta, there is always a way", he whispered, before he wiped her tears away. "Newt, before I go, you should know, you're the best friend I've ever had", she murmured.

"What exactly happened, Mr. Scamander?" "Leta already told you, I don't think there are anymore explanations needed" "Why are you here, then, if you are not willing to help?" "Professor... umm..." "What do you mean by umm, Mr. Scamander?" "It was all my fault. Leta shouldn't be blamed for anything I have done. It was my idea to take a jarvey to Hogwarts. This is why I willingly choose to take Letas punishment" Professor Dippet believed him, he just looked a bit surprised. "Are you sure that you choose this path? We won't take your wand, because Miss Lestrange did the deed. The only punishment that will follow so now be your expulsion, Mr. Scamander, is that correct?" "Yes it is, sir" "With these words, Mr. Newton Scamander be now expelled from the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry", the headmaster said, and spoke some magic words. Newt didn't look up, he didn't even have to, to know that Albus Dumbledore was staring at him. But he had chosen. Everybody in this room, all of these professors, thought that he had chosen to be selfless and sacrifice his education for his best friend. But Newt wasn't selfless, he was more egoistic than ever. He did it for himself, because he didn't want Leta to be expelled, didn't want her to be hurt. Because if she wasn't expelled, if she didn't have to suffer, he would be happy.

"Newt, I never wanted you to do anything for me! I never wanted you to take the blame for anything. I should be punished for the things I have done, but instead you are more stubborn than ever! Don't you think I chose to be responsible? A part of growing up is becoming responsible for your own ways, Newt. I never asked you to choose for me. You could have at least asked me before deciding my future! And I thought you would really understand me, understand that I want to be free. But it seems to be that you didn't really understand me ever, because if you did, you wouldn't just do this to me! I never wanted you to be my hero, I never wanted you to sacrifice anything for me! You know what: I will have to tell you this, because I may never see you again, after your stupid decision. You are nothing more but a stupid, stubborn and egoistic Hufflepuff. You don't think about others, you don't ask your friends. Yes, you don't think about anybody but yourself and how you feel. And maybe that's reason why you never had any friends" Letas words were knifes, which were now stuck in his heart for ever. But it was worse to see the hate and anger in Letas eyes, and her tears falling down to the ground. "Leta, I just wanted you to be happy", he whispered, but she still heard him. "Yes, of course, you had the best motives in the world, Newt. But maybe things don't always work the way they should. You see, I am not happy, not a bit. Everything you do, everything you say, it chokes me and disgusts me. You are a good human, Newt, you are. But I don't want to see you ever again, because you obviously can't understand other peoples feelings. I thought you were my friend, maybe more, but all you ever did was hurt me!", she said, turned away and ran back to the school. She left Newt alone, standing next to the forest, his favorite part of Hogwarts. "But Leta, I... I love you", he whispered. But Leta was too far away to hear him, and they would never be as close as they once had been.

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