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Snow Carr.

        I squinted my eyes when the intensity of the sun became too bright and I yawned slightly, still resisting the urge to open my eyes. I desperately needed more sleep, it's been so long since I slept on...

        "Rise and Shine Snow-white" I heard and my eyes flew open. Royalty stood over my bed with a smile while fully dressed in black pants and a cream chiffon blouse. Fully dressed?.

         "Uh...Good morning"I said as I sat up slowly. Events from last night came rushing back to me, I can't still believe I actually passed out from excitement, when I was finally revived, I had hugged her like my life depended on it.

       " Snow, do you even know what the time says?, If you want your first day at work to be a good first impression, I would advise that you go freshen up, I've picked out clothes for you to wear" She said and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe my luck.

       "It's really not a dream" I said and she laughed. I jumped down from the big bed and made my way into the bathroom, I was surprised and touched to see the new paste tube, tooth brush, soaps and glove sponges. She even hanged new undergarments for me. My eyes slightly watered at the affection.  No one has ever taken care of me since I was 7, I could only enjoy the loving affection and doting when mother was alive, I had my life back when mother was alive, then I lost them both.  

        I did all the necessary and walked out of the bathroom feeling like a brand new lady. I saw some clothes laid on the bed for me and the fashionista in me jumped for excitement. I always loved dressing up, I used to play dress up a lot when I was younger, but only when Dad wasn't around cause he would flip if he sees me 'wasting my time' playing.

      I smiled when I saw the dark Jean trouser and blue V-necked full sleeved blouse, she added a blue and black scarf which looked absolutely amazing, the design on it was obviously an inspiration from a painting, it looked absolutely classy!. When I wore the clothes and walked to the full length mirror, I almost couldn't recognize myself, I looked normal, heck, I looked absolutely stunning!. I could proudly call myself beauty. 

      "If you are gushing over yourself like this, I wonder how those at work would drool all over you. I'm hiring you to help boost sales,not to make my male employees unfocused, thereby dropping the sales" Royalty said walking in and I blushed and smiled.

     "I'll try" I said and she laughed. She volunteered to help me with my make up and my hair and I wanted to pinch myself out of excitement, if someone said I'd be staying in Princess Royalty's house while she helped make me look good, I would totally deny it.

     "There you go, looking more potential to drop my sales" she said grinning and I laughed. She gave me black pumps which I slightly shyed away from since I'm not exactly a lover of heels so she stuck to giving me high heeled sneakers.

      "Vanna would kill me if she sees you in all these dresses but who cares, I live to annoy the hell out of her. Remind me we need to go shopping immediately work's over" She said as she brewed the coffee.

      "Alright ma'am. If I may ask, I've not seen your husband around, where's he?" I asked.

      "Please Snow, stop calling me ma'am. I'm still a young woman okay?, it's bad enough that Ian makes me feel like I'm 90, I don't need you doing the same to me." She said and I laughed.

     "That's going to be very hard but I'll try my best ma...Royalty" I said and she turned to me with a smile and two hot cups of black coffee. 

    "As for Roland, he travelled on a 2 month business trip. I'd strongly advise that if you intend to marry a man you can't live without, make sure he's not the travelling kind. Sometimes I wish I could get him amputated so he would stop moving about but I know his stupid company would get him robot legs and throw me in jail" she said and I laughed. I wanted what she has. They were the perfect couple, I knew without a doubt that there would be days when they wouldn't agree with one another but I could tell they would always find their way around it. I guess that's how love works.

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