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June Apricot Northridge.

"Do you really have to go?, you know well how Royalty gets when you storm into her office" Cameron said as I slid my earring into my hair and I smiled evilly.

"Why do you think I'm going Cammy?" I said and I turned to see his expression, I knew without a doubt that my dear husband would be sporting the world's most beautiful frown ever.

"June, how many times have I told you not to call me Cammy?" He said with a death glare and I smirked and winked at him. How I love annoying him, our marriage has been well over twenty years but I still can't get over him. Early into the marriage, I had my fears, crazy fears..fears that one day it will turn out to be some kind of routine life, no sparks, no romance, no love, just two people with mutual children but Cameron is absolutely exceptional, he's the most amazing husband and father in the world and every single day, it's like there's more to him than I've discovered, he's like a mystery...but if he's a mystery, he is my very own mystery.

"Hmmm, June I know that look and I'm sorry to say, I have very high resistance" he said and I smiled as I rolled my eyes. Ever Naughty.

"Don't be so full of yourself, I have no plans of doing whatever it is you're thinking in your head... Besides aren't you too old for this?, you're going to be a grandfather soon" I said and his eyes lit up, he absolutely adored that little life in Royalty... maybe even more than me.

"Oh yes but don't deny it wifey, I'm going to be like the hottest grandpa ever." He said and I wanted to tell him he's lying but I couldn't find a place in my heart to do that, he was way too right, every single word was nothing but the truth, he seemed to age less by each passing year, he looked absolutely dashing and I knew that till the day I die I would always have a crush on my husband. Weird as it sounds.

"No denying that...but right by your side, you've got the most beautiful grandmother ever, the hottest too by the way" I said and he grinned. That heart stopping grin of his. He walked towards me and held me by the waist and for a microsecond, the thought of canceling whatever mission I wanted to go and execute in Royalty's office.

"You, my love, are absolutely right. You are simply the most beautiful woman in the world" he said and settled his lips on mine. See, I told you, He's my very very own man, made just for me, absolutely mine.

"Cameron, I would never make it to Royalty's office if you don't let me go right now" I said against his lips and he chuckled and kissed me for a little longer before he stepped back.

"Since you're hell-bent on going, I wish you good luck, if you come back with a black eye. I won't say I told you so" he said and I raised my brow.

"Are you sure you won't?" I said and he shook his head as he tsked.

"Not at all my queen, I would only have it printed on the first page of the paper so the world can see I told you so" he said and I spanked him on the head before grabbing my purse.

"Well, you won't have the cause to. I'm out of here Cameron, don't miss me too much" I said and he rolled his eyes although I could see the smile he was trying to hide.

"Sure won't" he lied and I smiled, I was almost out the door when he called me back.

"What now Cammy?, you're missing mummy already?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Nope beautiful, you forgot something and it's something you definitely can't do without" he said and I racked my brain as I checked through my purse trying to figure what I forgot, as I looked up from searching through the purse to ask what it was, I found him standing right in front of me and before I could say a word, he kissed me and I smiled against his lips as I kissed him back. My heart beats for this man.

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