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Snow Carr Northridge

    "What do you mean?" I asked, refusing to believe I was hearing rightly. This had to be a joke.

    "You heard me Snow. Why make me repeat myself twice?" My dear husband said as he stirred the sugar into his coffee.

     "Ian, you know how annoying those Teammakers women are!, I refuse to be a part of them!" I said and he sighed.

     "Well, I wish there was something I could do but it's not entirely in my jurisdiction, they personally wrote to us, inviting you. You're the crowned princess, you can't decline." He said and I stared at him as he gulped down the contents of the cup. He won't even let me make him good breakfast, always jumping out of the house way too early.

      "Doesn't being the crowned princess give me more power to decline and reject things I don't want?" I said tightening my robe around myself and taking a seat on the nearest chair. I was starting to feel very tired.

      "That's not how life  works Snow. You need to be wise to survive in this kind of life...and wisdom would mean attending the teammakers meeting, even if it's just for today. You know them well, they can decide to dig up even the craziest shit that doesn't exist just to defame you if you step on their tails." He said and I placed my head on the table.

      "Bloody conniving witches and rattle snakes" I groaned and I heard Ian chuckle. He patted me on the back and walked out, leaving me slightly angry and very sad. He wouldn't even peck me good bye or something. I know wishing for a kiss is like asking for the egg of a goat, I would never get it.

      I picked myself up and walked back into the room, this wasn't how I planned to spend my Saturday. I wanted to call Royalty to ask her why she doesn't attend but she might still be asleep, especially given her condition so I just settled myself under my blanket and allowed myself to sleep till it was time to face the wolves in women's clothing.


       It was 11:58am when I walked out of my house, dressed in black pants, blue shirt and blue vans. Nothing worthy of a teammaker's gathering. I knew how much they prided themselves on wearing the latest designers and burdening themselves with rock like diamonds and punctuality. So I did the exact opposite.

      I was dressed in normal clothes, I had no make up on save for a lipbalm, no jewelries save my wedding ring and wristwatch and I'm obviously going to be late seeing as the lunch starts my 12 and I'm still at home by this time. They would definitely hate me. Yikes!.

      I decided not to bother my driver so I hailed a cab to the restaurant, the cabman was totally gobsmacked to see me entering into his cab, for a minute I was puzzled as to why he would be so frozen then I realized I had taken up a new status : Crown Princess. Oh dear.

       I arrived at the restaurant at exactly 12:32pm and immediately I entered into the fancy restaurant, all eyes turned to look at me. By all eyes, I mean the 7 conniving witches and rattle snakes who rented this restaurant out. They were all dressed to the brim, if that makes sense. Their make ups were on point and the diamonds could definitely blind you. How can they even see through those light reflections?.

        "Hello ladies, I'm so sorry I am late" I said confidently and took my seat on the empty chair directly beside the Head of the coven, Natasha Hathaway. World's classified conniving witch and mother of all rattle snakes. Her blue eyes stared angrily at me and she sized me up.

       "Oh dear, you could have gone home to change, you're already as late as it is. Changing wouldn't have been so bad" She said in a sickly sweet VOICE and I wanted to gag. Change?, heh!.

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