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Snow Carr Northridge.

  I woke up pissed. That's the only way to describe how I was feeling, it's been about a week since the incident with the witches and rattle snakes but I'm still pissed. Definitely something is wrong.

     I walked out of the room and walked downstairs, the smell of waffles hit me and I became even more pissed. On my way to the kitchen, I stopped by the fridge and saw that the position of the milk had changed, hence more anger.

     "Good morning your highness" the maid said and I grumbled a response. I know it was sort of rude but I was pissed and I was pissed at myself for being pissed and I was pissed at what was making me pissed because it was making me pissed at myself and I don't like being pissed at myself hence a lot of 'pissed' going through my head.

     "Why waffles Jo?" I asked looking at the food in disgust, who the hell invented waffles for the love of God.

      "Prince Ian said to make some for you both" She said and I snickered and eyed the food in annoyance. Who is he to choose what I'll eat and then he just had to choose waffles.

      I walked out of the kitchen and marched up to his room and without knocking I barged into his room. He was standing in front of the mirror and fixing his tie.

      "Snow?" He said in a slightly surprised tone and I rolled my eyes. No, it's not Snow dear husband. I'm thunder, did you forget?.

      "Who were you expecting?. Were you expecting another woman to walk into your room while your wife can't?. Wait, what am I saying?. I'm not even a wife to you" I said and he raised a brow.

      "What happened to you?. You're unusually angry this morning, I mean, I know anger is your thing but this is on a whole new level" he said and I widened my eyes.

       "Did you just call me a naturally bitter and angry person?" I asked balling my fists. Im so going to kick his ass this morning.

        "Your words not mine. Why are you here?" He said and I ran my hands through my hair.

      "I hate you" I said and suddenly my lower lip started to tremble. What?, I'm going to cry?. Jesus Christ Lord, what is wrong with me??!

       "Snow...are you okay?. You look like you're going to cry" he said and I rolled my eyes.

       "You called me bitter. Am I supposed to go walk on rainbows and ride on unicorns?" I said and turned to walk out the door when he stopped me by calling my name.

       "Snow... Are you sure you are okay?. Your mood these days are sorta a source of concern.. I mean, yesterday night you almost broke a cup because you heard Soledad on TV. It's unlike you to hold anger in for so long" he said and I raised my chin defiantly.

       "Stop talking like you know me" I said and slowly his serious face morphed into a very beautiful smile then a smirk, he started walking towards me till he was standing right in front of me.

        "But I do know you Snow. I know you more than you'll like to admit. I study people a lot and I've been studying you for a while now. You're one very tough piece to figure out" He said and I rolled my eyes and raised my chin defiantly.

       "So I'm a course to you huh?. Why study me to get to know me?, if you want to know me all you have to do is ask but then again, you don't want to have anything to do with me" I grumbled and he looked like he wanted to say something but then he stopped himself almost immediately.

       "Why did you come here?, is there something you wanted to tell me?" He said and I almost slapped myself for forgetting that I came here to wage war.

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