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Snow Carr.

Tonight is the party and I have absolutely no idea what to wear or how to do my make up, needless to say, I was screwed. I contemplated going to Royalty's but I didn't want to be so dependent and besides, there was every probability Roland might come back earlier than planned so I called Leanne instead and my door bell rang about an hour later.

"Thank you sooo much for coming" I said as I opened the door and she pulled me into a big hug.

"It's nothing.. And Congratulations!, I'm sure not many people will like you right now at work, I mean, you just got to work and you're already throwing every where into a state of frenzy. Keep turning heads everywhere" She said and I blushed.

"Thanks a lot Leanne, and I think I'm ready to embrace whatever war they bring to me at work, I'm a warrior." I said and winked which made us both laugh. As we walked into the room, White barked and jumped down from the bed to my side.

"Hey beautiful puppy, how are you?, Have you decided on a name?" Leanne asked and I smiled as I remembered the circumstance surrounding her name.

"Yeah, Her name is, weirdly, White Princess." I said and Leanne gave me that 'are you kidding me' look.

"It was all Ian. I wanted to call her Princess, He wanted me to call her Snow but I said I wouldn't share my name with a dog so he said SnowWhite but I wasn't willing to share the Snow either so he stuck to White and just so I could have my way, we decided to combine the two" I said and she shook her head.

"I don't think I wanna witness you two picking out names for your children. You guys might want to cross check the names with us though before you make a mistake that will cause your kids to hate you for life" She said and I smiled a bit ignoring the sadness that suddenly settled in my heart. The way she said Kids made it seem like this was a real engagement, like I was really getting married, like it wasn't just an agreement that involved only one egg, only one child who isn't even going to mine, who isn't going to have my genes or my DNA. I will just be a married surrogate. I decided to snap out of the sadness and focus on the present.

"We will. So please, help me out, I need to get to the party in 3 hours and I have absolutely nothing to wear" I said and she rolled her eyes as she walked to my closet.

"That's what every girl who has clothes says" She replied back in a duh tone and started to make a hurricane of a neat closet.


"Well well. I'm not the best makeup artist I know but luckily you're effortlessly beautiful so my little skills just moved you an inch closer to perfection." Leanne said and I blushed.

I was looking gorgeous, no doubts. The fish tailed red gown I was in clung to my body like a second skin, it was perfect and I looked reasonably tall enough in the 4" inch silver heels. I wasn't overly made up, it was a very simple and moderate make up that made me look very beautiful.

"Thanks a lot Lee" I said and she smiled at me, I checked the time and realized I had about an hour left so Lee invited me to follow her to her place so she could dress up then we could go to the party together and I agreed since I really didn't have anything else to do to kill time.

I gave White dinner and left the house, I knew she'll be more than glad to have my bed to herself.


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