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Snow Carr Northridge.
        I rolled on the huge bed let out a groan. This is madness!!!, I am sooooo bored, so so bored. It's been two days since we arrived in the King's mini mansion in Netherlands and I must say this house was almost FLAWLESS, the only flaw it had was the study.

       Yeah, the house had a study and that gave my dear husband the opportunity to hibernate. I could count the number of times I've seen in two days and trust me, it's not a reasonable amount. I get that he's avoiding me but really, he should at least show up more, being alone on your honeymoon is like a preview of a very sad marriage.

       I decided I was done sitting in the house and watching TV and drawing designs so I walked into the closet, traded my shorts for a skinny jeans and my white singlet for a blue full sleeved chiffon blouse, I paired my clothes with a silver sandal, picked up my purse and walked towards the study.

      On my way to the study, I realized I didn't apply any make-up , neither did I brush my hair... Feeling too lazy to go back, I removed the band that held my hair in place and ran my fingers through it, just as I was trying to comb through the tangles before knocking on the door to the study which I already arrived at, Mr Workaholic opened the door.

       When he took in my dressing, his eyes took on an expression of confusion and before he could ask, I spoke up.

       "I'm going out. I'm not going anywhere in particular, I'm just going to walk around and enjoy Netherlands. Unlike a particular someone, I know how to get the best from a vacation instead of hiding behind 2 large oak doors" I said, trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

        "You're not goin..."

        "Excuse you?. You're not my dad and you can't tell me where to and where not to go. I'm not your property, I don't belong to you so you don't get to dictate things to me just because we are married on paper" I said and he rolled his eyes.

        "I wanted to say you're not going anywhere without me, but you obviously didn't wait to hear that part before you dived into conclusion. You need to stop being so angry." He said and I wanted to laugh. I need to stop being angry?, he tells me to my face that I'm just a bloody baby carrying machine and I'm not supposed to be angry?, way to go Ian dear.

        "I'm not going anywhere without you?, why, are you my body guard?. Look I get that you need to work and all but you need to understand that I won't sit here and wait for you to finish whatever you want to do before I get myself out of here. I'm practically dying with boredom and I'm sure you're having fun with what you're doing if you can stay years in that room without even coming out. I'll just go ahead, maybe when you finally give yourself a free time, we'll go together" I said and he rolled his eyes and exhaled.

      "I'm coming  with. I just need to change" he said and I turned to him, not bothering to hide my surprise. He would leave his beautiful safe haven to surf the town with me?

      "Why?. I'm sure having fun isn't your thing so what's all this about?" I said and he shrugged.

        "The paparazzis would sure find it weird if you walk round a foreign country on your honeymoon alone. They would just think we're having problems early into our marriage" he said and I widened my eyes a bit.

        "Paparazzis??.. Why would they be in Netherlands?, why won't they leave us alone?" I asked throwing my hands up in the air exasperatedly. What is this Lord?

        "I wish I knew. That's one of the cons of being part of the Royal family" he said as he advanced upstairs to the room and I found myself following cause well, I sure wasn't going to sit down and wait for him to dress up. I swear he dresses like a lady sometimes.

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