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Snow Carr Northridge
       "It's been a week Snow, stop sulking and let's go out" Royalty said sitting on my bed and I groaned.

        "Muum, tell her to leave me alone, I wanna sleep" I said, turning to the Queen. I just sort of fell into the pattern of calling her mum alongside others ever since my baby died and she's been a real mother to me.

      "No baby girl. We are not leaving you here, we are all going out so dress up" She said and I slid under the duvet.

      "You guys can't keep doing this to me. I really need some me time you know?" I said, while still under the duvet. Someone dragged the duvet off, exposing my head and then dragged it off totally,exposing my whole body. Gee, thanks mum!

     "Okay okay sweetheart, enough of this. You've had your me time for a while now, I haven't even visited you in 16 hours. I left you alone for too long and I am so sorry" She said and I face palmed. 16 hours of which I spent half sleeping. This woman is like my shadow, she's always there.

     Royalty dragged me up, as best as her pregnant belly could allow her to and I decided to help her my doing the rest of the standing up on my own. I walked to the bathroom and rinsed my face.

     "I'm picking out your outfit... Cause I know you, you might just end up wearing all black" Royalty shouted from the room and I made a face at the mirror. I was going to respond but my reflection stopped me.

   I looked sad and weary, I looked like I was twice my age. A week ago, I had that glow, that pregnancy glow and here I am, no baby, no glow. I looked homeless, and well, I might be homeless in about 2 days cause I'm planning to tell Mum and Royalty that I'm leaving.

     "Will you please come out?, you've showered already and I know you are not planning to drown yourself at the sink while washing your face so, please come out" Royalty yelled again and I grinned. The transformation was quite shocking though, that grin did a lot.

     I walked out and saw new clothes on my bed, I looked up at the two of them and they had poker faces on. Of course!.

     "I don't remember owning these and I keep track of all my dresses soooooo, someone care to enlighten me?" I asked and stared at mum. It would most definitely be her handiwork.

     "I read an article online, that new clothes makes people happy so, think of it as therapy and besides, it's sexy" she said and I groaned, Royalty "ewwwed".

    "Stop saying Sexy, it sounds so awkward and just the direct opposite when it's coming from you" Royalty said and I laughed. True tho

     "I did not raise you right. Nuh uh" Mum said and I chuckled. I am just so grateful for their presence, I would have drowned in my own misery and in my loneliness. I did not care less about Ian, I cut him off and ignored him when he made attempts to have a conversation with me. I'm done!.

     I dressed up and brushed my hair into a bun, I was looking for shoes to wear when mum spoke up.

     "Baby, what about make up?. You ,umm....really need that glow. No offence my love" She said and I smiled. Burrrn!.

     "I'm not feeling up to it, maybe I'll just apply powder and lipgloss. I don't wanna look anything fancy. I don't feel like it" I said and she nodded. I was grateful she didn't push it.

      After thirty minutes of me looking my best this week, we stepped out and we drove to the same restaurant Ian took me to, the one where I lost my first kiss. I wanted to leave but they were doing so much for me already, I just had to stay.

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