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Snow Carr Northridge.

    "Your highness" I heard in my sleep and I snuggled closer into the seat, I really wanted maximum silence.

    "Your Highness" I heard again and I groaned internally. Is Ian deaf?, and why is the person calling him so close to me?, they should go bother him, not me.

      "Your highness" I heard impatiently for the third time and this time my eyes flew open with anger. What the actual hell?!.

       "He's obviously not here if he's not answering, why are you towering over me?, what do you want from me?, what's a girl gotta do to have an uninterrupted sleep?!. I was woken up by 4:30am!, 4 freaking 30am and I just managed to fall asleep about 30 minutes ago and you're bothering me all because of Your Highness, please just go look for him and kindly leave me alone" I ranted and the poor man looked taken aback. I pressed my lips together when I realized what I had done.

       "I'm so sorry your highness. I wasn't looking for the  Crown Prince ma'am, I am here for you. I wanted to tell you I have the cabin ready and you can go sleep comfortably according to the others of the crown prince." He said and I was confused for a minute before my mouth formed an O and realization hit me in the face like a truck that has failed breaks.

        "Oh my God. I'm the your highness isn't it?. I'm so sorry, I...I'm new to all this and I've never been addressed with such title so I didn't realize you were referring to me. I'm soo sorry" I said and he gave me a small smile and his eyes were filled with understanding.

          "Shall we go to your cabin?" He asked and I nodded. When I stood up, he curtsied and I almost winced. Oh dear Lord, don't tell me I'm going to have to face this forever.

      You won't have to face it forever. It's just till the baby is born and bam!, you're back to the real Snow Carr, without the endearments and titles.

        My conscience has a way of making me feel like barging into my mind, dragging it out and beating the McShit out of it.

        Once I was in the cabin, I smiled a very very happy smile, the realest smile in a while. I was desperate for sleep, desperate to put my body on something soft and closing my eyes, giving in to the comfort and the warmth of the bed. This is an answered prayer.

        "Did you say Ian asked you to do this?" I asked and he nodded. Well, well, who knew the devil could be nice. After he cruelly woke me up from my much desired sleep at the early hours of this morning, he crawled his way to the top of my nemesis list.

           I walked towards the bed and immediately I let myself on the bed, I didn't know when I fell asleep. All I know was that immediately my body touched that bed, I was gone!.


       I woke up and I was more tired than I was when I slept, my mouth was tasting weird and bitter. What kinda sleep did I sleep just now?

        I walked out of the cabin after much deliberation and I saw my dear husband bent over a laptop working as usual. He should have just gotten married to his job. I mean, dude really, this is supposed to be our honeymoon. Any normal couple would have been grateful for that cabin for am entirely different reason and maybe I wouldn't have woken up feeling crappier than I did when I slept.

        "You're awake" he said when I took my seat opposite him. Really?, I am?, oh my God!. I would have thought I was sleep walking, duh!.

         "Well, captain obvious. You finally got something right" I said and he didn't even look up at me. I missed us. I missed fighting with him, I missed everything I used to do with him but apparently he didn't even care. Who was I kidding?, He clearly made that clear. 

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