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Prince Ian Northridge

       I walked into my office with a small smile on my face. I almost talked myself out of going to her Office but I just couldn't resist it. When I called home and they told me she didn't have breakfast, I almost blew off with anger. Her mood had been off and I knew it had to do with the IVF messing with all her hormones.

       I was just hanging my jacket on the rack when Kaya walked in with a seductive smile. I slightly shook my head and then I remembered how pissed Snow was when she walked in on our meeting and saw Kaya leaning way too close to me. Did I notice?, yes!. Did I try to avoid it?  Yes but the girl is just too unrelenting.

      "You're smiling. Good morning I guess?" She said. I don't know why she speaks informally to me when we're alone. She just stopped with the honorifics out of the blue.

     "Yes Kaya. What brings you to my office. I don't think I'm supposed to meet you until noon when the meeting was scheduled?" I said taking my seat.

     "I left all the works I have piled up for today just to come say good morning to you and all you can do is complain?. What's wrong Ian?" She said and I massaged my temple. It's really honestly too early for this, I better start searching for a replacement quick.

     "I'm not paying you to say good morning to me Kaya. I am, actually, paying you to do the job you abandoned" I said and she went red in the face. She was about walking out when she turned and stalked towards me with determination in her eyes.

    "What am I supposed to do before you get it?. Tell me Ian?. Am I supposed to print it all over the newspaper and post it on all known websites before you get that I'm in love with you?. I love you Ian. Not for your money or your beautiful face but because of who you are. All the times we've spent together has shown me that  you're the man I've always dreamt about since I was 9" she said and I sighed.

    "I hired you three months ago Kay. We've spent zero time together, we only ever see in conference rooms or when we have meetings. I really don't understand what you're talking about. Go back to your office." I said and instead of  wearing a sad look she was wearing a bright smile.

     "You called me Kay. That's a start. We can get to know each other better Ian. I'm good for you, I'm fashionable and sophisticated .... I'm better than that thing you call a wife" She said and I saw red. Everything she has been saying did little to annoy me,I've heard worse but no one talks down on my wife!. Not Snow!

      "Alright Kaya. Get back to your office and while you're at it, drop by HR and tell them to put out a vacancy for the post of Head of Legal team office. " I said and she looked at me weird.

    "But I am the Head of Legal team. There is no vacancy" She said and I stood up till I was staring down at her.

     "Well. Now there is. You're fired Kaya." I said and she paled. I pointed to the door and she ran out.

    I sat down and massaged my temple with two fingers. This early and two women have tried to make me go crazy. One of them is one I'd gladly endure the annoyance for but the other... Maybe I'd endure if she never  dared to say nonsense about Snow.

   My phone beeped and I saw a kissy face emoji text from Cole, I smiled while rolling my eyes. He knows how to text at the perfect moment. I needed someone to talk to.

Bro; 😘

Me; Get away from me perv

Bro; You know you love ittt😘😘😘

Me; Nope. I do not, Why are you disturbing my phone?

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