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Snow Carr Northridge

         My feet moved of their own accord to my car and immediately I was in, I placed my head on the chair ahead of me and I exhaled shakily. My head was pounding and my tummy was clenched. Reason?, I have no idea. I can't afford to be sick on my birthday!.

        I told Sergio, my driver, to drive me to the doctor's, I wasn't the type to see doctors if I start feeling out of place, I'd rather just sleep in and wait for the sickness to make a run for it than have myself walk to the doctor's office but not today. I turned 20 today and I won't let any form of sickness take away that satisfaction from me. Never!

       "Good morning Doc" I said immediately I entered his Office and the brown haired gentleman looked up and gave me his mega watt smile. I have become quite friendly with him since he has been the one helping to try to get pregnant.

       "If it isn't the one and only Mrs Northridge.. Well, not exactly the one and only but you get what I mean. How are you doing woman?" He asked and I sighed as I plopped on the chair in front of him.

       "Horrible Doc. Horrible, I feel like my body isn't my own...and it's my birthday!, my birthday and I'm here feeling crappy!" I said and his !mouth formed an O before it was replaced by a grin.

      "Wow, it's your birthday?. How come I haven't seen that circulating all over the media and stuff. Happy Birthday woman" he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

       "Thank you, thank you. If you didn't always have your nose stuck in some kind of work or another, you'll realize the whole media is going crazy about me" I said and winked.

      "Oh please. Stop being a Narcissus. You're too young for that" he said and I gaped at him wide eyed.

      "Too young. I'm 20 already Doc. The big and Almighty 20!." I said and he laughed while shaking his head.

        "Yeah, I turned that 10 years ago...so you were saying?" He said and I groaned before sighing. Let's face the pressing issues first. Pressing issues that are pressing on my head.

      "Fiiinne. Doc, what's wrong with me?." I asked and he rummaged through his drawer then brought out a file which I assumed is mine.

       "I guess it's probably the hormones that we've been giving you to help with the process. Your metabolic state is quite not exactly balanced right now and it's fine to feel that way" He said and I sighed. I guessed so too.

        "Doctor. Am I pregnant already?" I asked the question I've been itching to ask for about a week now but the fear of the answer somehow manages to shut me up every time.

         "We can't know until the next two weeks but I have a feeling you just might be or have you experienced anything out of the blue?, spotting?, contractions in your abdomen and stuff?" He asked and I shook my head.

         "No. It's just this whole weird feeling of sickness" I said and he smiled and jotted some things down on a paper before handing it to me.

        "Take this to the pharmacy, they should help relieve the pain and try to rest a lot!. I would advise that you take a big big big rest cause you're kinda at that point where your body is very delicate right now" he said and I nodded. We joked for a bit before I left him to the pharmacy and immediately I got the drugs, I threw them down my throat straight up. I hate sickness.


       "Happy Birthday once again!!!" Royalty said in a sing song voice as she strolled through my office and I smiled weakly. I thought the drugs would make me feel better, instead they made me so weak and drowsy, I called Doctor Ethan and he told me it's normal to feel that way, hence, I was stuck with an abnormal normalcy. Yay me.

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