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Snow Carr Northridge

"So...there's still no communication between you two yet?" I asked Leanne as we walked through the 2nd aisle in the shopping mall. She and Savannah had recruited me into their shopping plans and I couldn't refuse. I needed something to get my mind off things and just relax.

"Nope. Sometimes I feel like he just asked for my number out of courtesy" Leanne said and rolled her eyes. I could tell that as much as she wanted to hide it, she was irked by the fact that Seven hadn't called her yet.

"Come on...look on the brighter side, he actually chased you down to the car to get your number before you left Florida. Maybe he lost his phone. Yeah, that should be it" I said and she shrugged.

"I don't really care" She lied and focused her attention on a full length A line gown that I totally did not like.

"Yeah. Keep telling yourself that, it's so obvious you're into this guy. It won't kill you to admit it, y'know?" Savannah said and Leanne groaned.

"You're just 19 Sav. What do you know about being into boys?" Leanne said and I laughed.

"Some of us actually got married by 19 and we are pregnant by 20, so try another line" I said and Savannah gave me an high-five.

"I can't believe you guys. What do you want from me?" She asked and Sav and I looked at each other and smirked

"Admit that you care and you actually want him to call.... " Sav said and she threw her hands up in the air in surrender.

"Okay okay. I care and I've been waiting for him to call. I get so mad at anyone who calls me when I realize it's not him. Happy now?" She said and I grinned.

"Good. Now, who says you can't make the first move. It's not a crime y'know. You could make up any reason to call him, you could even pretend it was a mistake" I said and they both looked at me with bewildered expressions.

"Baaaaaad girl!. Who knew little Snow was such a bad kitty but my my, that's an amazing idea" She said

"Now let's go over to the cafe cause I'm really really hungry, then you can call him." I said and we all started to make our way out. We didn't even end up buying anything.

"Put the phone on speaker when you call alright?" Sav said and Leanne rolled her eyes.

We got to the cafe and after getting out orders,we settled ourselves in an empty booth located at the far end of the cafe. That was like the most private place in the café and luckily, it wasn't so crowded.

"Call call call" Sav said immediately we sat down. Her enthusiasm was energy draining.

"Chill chill chill" Leanne replied rolling her eyes, she picked her phone and fiddled with it for a bit before dialing his number and she put it on speaker.

The phone rang for a while and we thought he wasn't going to pick, the disappointment on Leanne's face disappeared the moment we heard a shuffling sound.

"You said you were gonna come pick me up. Where on earth are you Steven?!" She said and I had to cover my mouth to keep myself from laughing out loud, Sav was doing the same. She's good!, I just have to give her that.

"Uh..this is Seven, not Steven" He said in that drool worthy voice and I totally swooned.

"Seven?, ohhh, my bad!. I was going to call Steven." She said in q voice that sounded so sincere. If I didn't suggest it, I would have legit thought she was serious.

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