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Ian Northridge

        "So what is it I am hearing about you and your engagement?" was the first thing Cole greeted me with immediately he received me at the airport. What on earth do I still do with this guy?
         "Boring flight man but it was very fine. Thanks for asking, so thoughtful of you" I said looking as serious as possible and he gave me a small side smirk.

         "Why would I ask about your flight dear Prince Ian. You flew in with a private jet, with people at your beck and call so..." He said and I just ignored him. He can be very annoying sometimes.

             "Hey come on, fine!. How was your journey darling?" He said and I rolled my eyes while smiling.

             "Good. My flight was Alright, thanks" I replied.   

             "So you were going to tell me about this Snow?" He said and I shrugged, deciding to play with him a little.

              "What's there to know, you probably know everything there is to know about Snow?"I said and he gave me a confused look.

              " I know nothing man, you know I don't follow all these celebrity gossips" he said and I was already enjoying this.

               "Snow is like Ice frosts man, it comes out during winter, we have a lot of them during December and they are so annoying, sometimes you have to scrape your driveway a billion times just to get through and it's always so cold, sometimes stepping into the snow in a tiny shirt can be the death of you. I'm sure you know a lot about Snows....and yeah, as annoying as they are, they are so beautiful" I said. It was naturally just to piss Cole off but then I realized snow was actually just like Snow.

            She's very annoying, she can be very cold and if you go near her without being prepared, it could be the death of you. Sometimes you have to clear your mind like a billion times before you stop thinking about her and damn, she's so beautiful.

             ".....dding me right now?, I was talking about the human Snow duh" He said and I shrugged.

             "Can we talk about her after I've had some sleep and maybe a nice meal?" I said and he smirked.

             "Of course man, then we have the whole day to talk about her. We could even stay up all night" he said and I groaned.

             "Now I'm wishing I had decided to just stay in the hotel".


        "Start" he said immediately we settled in front of the TV after ordering all the pizzas in the world and getting bloated from drinking sodas. So much for a home cooked meal.

          "There's really nothing to tell, I don't even know where to start so I think you should just ask and I'll answer. I think we'll pick up the pace from there" I said stretching on the sofa and propping my head with a throw pillow while staring at the ceiling.

        "What's she like.. Physically and behaviourally?" He asked and I squeezed my mouth a bit as I thought about where to start from. She's so many damn things all packed in one person.

       "Physically?, she's like the one of the most beautiful woman I've met in my life, she has that very long black midnight hair that she just unconsciously flips when she's mad, I doubt if she knows how beautiful that action is though, she's way too stubborn for her own good and she's really oblivious of the way people look at her. Her eyes are a deep brown and they turn black when she's angry or when she's dazed." I wanted to stay more, maybe wanted to go further down and talk about her lips but I had a rethink, that would be way too awkward.

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