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Snow Carr.
       "Thanks so much for dinner ma'am, it was amazing. Your cooking is great" I said immediately dinner was over and she smiled warmly at me. That sweet smile.

      "Aww, thanks so much darling. I'm so glad you like it. None of these coconut heads I call my children ever compliments my cooking." She said and everyone at the table snorted.

     "Mum I'm sorry to say but you kinda lie a lot. I remember clearly that I complimented your cooking yesterday" Ian, my nemesis, said and his mum rolled her eyes.

     We filed out of the dining room to the sitting room where we were awaiting desert. They weren't the regular cliche Royal family with desert served on golden plates by uniformed maidservants, they said they loved to eat their desert while watching a movie or most times, while talking. Just how amazing is that?. It would be so cool to marry someone from this family, except Ian.. That leaves me with only one option and I would never betray the Queen like  that.

     "So,Snow...what do you do?" Savannah asked me and I took my seat on the sofa only to realize that I was actually the only one on the sofa, they were all seated on the fur-rug covered floor, both Leanne and Savannah though. The rest were temporarily unavailable.

      "I just started working with Royalty at Imperials as a fashion designer" I said and their mouths formed an O.

       "Wow, that's insane. You must be really really talented, Royalty only employs the best. Sometimes I feel like no normal human can meet up with her criteria." Leanne said and I laughed.

       "Then I must be an alien" I laughed and we all started laughing, Leanne was about to say something when someone cut in.

     "Of course you're an alien. I mean, you look like one. Just my thoughts anyway" you don't have to guess who said that.

     I really wanted to reply but I saw the rest of the family walking into the sitting room and I didn't want to do a recap of what happened earlier so instead I faked a smile. I faked a fake smile actually.

     "Ian stop picking on the lady. That trick is really old, just because you like an girl doesn't mean you have to mean to her to get her to notice you, just be straight with her." Their Dad said and I turned bright red.

    "What?!, like who?. Dad are you hallucinating?. I don't like.... that." He said and my eyes widened. Did he just call me that?.

     "Did you just call me that?" I asked in disbelief.

      "See?. She apparently doesn't lack just common sense but also her sense of hearing." He said and before I could say anything, he moved to where I was  and bent till we were eye to eye, then whispered in my ear.

      "Yes. I just called you that." He said and out of impulse and anger, I dragged him by the collar and pushed him to the floor then jumped on him.

     "I am more human than you are. When I am done with you, you'll learn to respect ladies" I said and I removed the left leg of the bunny slippers that I found at the entrance and I started to whip him. He has the girliest screams in the world I tell you.

     "Are you mentally unstable?, what the hell are you doing?. " He yelled trying to stop me but hey, I'm more skilled than that.

     "Dude, In case you don't know..what I'm doing is called Spanking. It's an act of restoring factory settings of rude and spoilt brats. You fit the criteria, or don't you see?" I said and continued. I was enjoying the spanking when he grabbed my arm and rolled me over.

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