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Snow Carr Northridge.

      "Hush Damien, I need to think" I said as Damien and I walked side by side in the supermarket. He was finally planning to go all the way for Carrie's birthday and ask her out. I just really wish she'd say yes. It's today by the way.

      "How about a bubble bath soap?, should I buy her that?. Scented candles?" He said, offering more of his very ridiculous ideas that never ceased to make me cringe. How can there be someone who is so fine but so clueless about girls.

      "Damien, shut up. You are not buying bubble soaps or scented candles. We are going to look for a meaningful gift. Think D, think!. Is there something you think she mentions a lot or maybe fantasizes about?" I asked and he stopped to scratch his head. That very beautiful head, okay, shut up Snow.

     "Uh... She's a doctor Snow, she's all books and no play. The only thing that would make her happy right now is a textbook and videos of how to cut in children's bodies" He said and I laughed. True that.

      After hours of searching and searching, we finally settled for a medical textbook, a stethoscope she's been going on and on about (all steths look the same to me anyway but she's the doctor), new scrubs, 2 Dior handbags, 3 red bottoms stilettos, 3 white sneakers, 2 boxes of chocolate, 3 office gowns and a bouquet of roses.

       "She's going to freak out when she sees all of this and she's going to actually kill me" He said and I chuckled. That's a  given.

       "Can we not focus on your near death experience and pack these things into the car so we can get them to your home. The party is in 3 hours, I really don't know why you're just picking out gifts today!" I said and he gave me his puppy face.

      "Come on. I didn't know what to do, my brain told me to call you last minute since you're like the only female friend she has. I'm so sorry" he said and I shrugged. It was a nice getaway, I was tired of studying.

     We arrived at his house and spent one solid hour and twenty five minutes wrapping up the gifts. When we were done. I passed out on the sofa!. He kept saying the wrapping paper wasn't good enough or it wasn't smooth enough or it wasn't the right colour, just lots of complaints that made me want to bite my head off.

     "So, are you going to go home and change?" He asked and I stared down at my black pants and off the shoulder cashmere sweater. I actually really needed to change.

      "Totally skipped my mind, I need to hurry except I want to miss  the surprised look on her face. I can't waiiitttt" I squealed, genuinely excited for tonight. Damien and I had planned the most beautiful surprise we could think of and it was going to be amazing, I could feel it.

       I drove home and was welcomed by silence, I wasn't surprised anyway. I am sure he is off somewhere enjoying the best of life with his friends, I couldn't care less. I had managed to stay out of his way ever since the close call we had about 4 nights ago and I was doing really great at avoiding him and living like I was alone.

       I checked the time and it was already 6pm, the party was due to start by 7pm. I had one hour to kill so I decided to take a warm bath before going, shopping has a way of stressing me out. I took my bath and walked to the closet, picking out cloth is almost as stressful as shopping, you have to find what goes with what, which colour matches another colour, do you have shoes or bags that go with what you're wearing?, is it appropriate for the occasion?, will I look undressed or overdressed?, mind boggling questions that annoyed the hell out of me.

     I finally, finally settled for a baby blue chiffon blouse and black jeans which I paired with blue vans. I did a little make up and curled my hair then bounced of the room. I was almost at the door when it swung open and there he was, in all smoking glory.

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