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Snow Carr.

I hopped down from the cab and crossed the street, I was currently on my way to Ian's office. Why?, I really don't know, I guess it's just this crazy thing that happens to you when you're like in love with someone and then you start acting like you have a few bolts misplaced in your head.

Ian and I were supposed to meet at a cafe so we could go to wherever he said we had to get to for some things he wanted to get for me, he called them 'essentials'. I was supposed to be on my way to the cafe in the next 30 minutes but I just wanted to surprise him by just walking into his office unannounced, I already spoke to August who told me he just got out of a meeting and he has cleared his schedule for the next 3 hours. For me though, that just makes me feel so proud.

I raised my left hand and the diamond ring stared back at me in the face, I still can't believe it. He really had TJ. Williams help him with the proposal, Ian can be so extra some times but hey, as long as he's doing all the extra for me, I really do not mind.

"Wait till you have to drop off his kid and walk out of his life, then you'll know just how extra he can be" My subconscious said and I pushed the voice back. I have decided to follow Royalty's advice and push behind all the things that will follow after and just enjoy the moment. Who knows?, maybe at the end, he will decide he doesn't want me to go.

"Yeah. Of course, then he's going to go on national TV and declare his undying love for you and confess to the world about how he never thought he could feel the way he feels about you about anyone else. It happens a lot in novels. Wise up duh" My subconscious said, it was being really good at being a killjoy this beautiful afternoon and I do not have room to entertain it.

I finally arrived at his office building , I was grateful for the short walk I had cause it helped me to clear my head a bit and I also wanted to kno what it felt like walking the streets in sunglasses and hats, trying to see if anyone would decipher if it was really you under those covers, luckily no one detected it was me and I wanted to keep up the act but apparently the receptionists didn't buy it.

"Who are you ma'am?" One of the receptionists whose tag read "Sharly" said and I sighed, what exactly am I supposed to say?

"I am Snow Carr. I am here to see Prince Ian Northridge" I said and she gave her partner a knowing glance.

"Not to be rude or anything ma'am but I've lost count of how many Snow Carrs have walked up to us. You need to be a little bit more original" she said and I was appalled. People are pretending to be me?, just to get to Ian?. Dear Lord, block their ways, don't let them succeed in getting to him!.

"I'm serious!. I can show you my ID card" I said and she rolled her eyes. Oh no, don't tell me.

"Some of them came with IDs too. If you really insist on seeing him, he should be down in a bit, I'm sure if he sees his fiancée, he'll recognize her but there's nothing I can do to help" she said and I sighed. So much for surprising him. A part of me was tempted to call August but then, I didn't want to abuse the little power that was thrown into my laps so I obeyed and went to take my seat at the waiting section where I met a few other women and some guys.

"Hello ma'am" I greeted the lady I say next to, she was looking so sophisticated and posh in her black office gown.

"Hello. I'm Snow Carr. You are?" She said and my jaw dropped. The receptionist wasn't in the least bit joking. How could she stand, or well sit, beside me and tell me she's me?!.

"You mean you're Snow Carr. The one the Prince got engaged to?" i asked just to be sure, she could just be a namesake. She looked to posh and pretty to stoop so low.

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