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Snow Carr.

     "This is it" I muttered to myself as the door opened and the wedding March began to play. The church was packed with living,breathing humans that I didn't know.

      The church was huge and the distance I had to walk was murderous especially in this killer heels, looking ahead I could see the newest addition to my life in the shape of a big brother, Roland Harvey standing in the middle. Yeah, he's the one who will walk me down the aisle and hand me over to Ian. We've developed some kind of interesting connection and it's safe to say he's quickly filling the space of an amazing big brother.

      "Wow, she's amazingly beautiful"
      "My my, that gown must have cost a fortune" comments were flying about and it was as if every single person in the church was more excited than me. Well, that would be reasonable seeing as I was far from excited. I was devastated, about 2 weeks ago, I was kinda anticipating this day but ever since Ian turned into an absolute jerk I have been dreading this.

        I took guided steps towards Roland, my heart beat increasing with every step. What if I run?, what if I pretend to be sick and I fake-faint, what if I pretend to run mad?. A lot of thoughts were running through my head and with each step, I felt tears sting my eyes.

        "Well well Little one,  you're looking even more beautiful than I've ever seen." Roland said immediately I reached him and I blushed. I was grateful it was Roland walking me down and not my father because he would never have said such a sweet thing to me but I was devastated that my mum wasn't here. She would have been the happiest woman in the world and the moment she senses my discomfort, she would have helped me escape from here. My mum was my heroine, my everything next to God.

         Oohs and Aahs of admiration filled the air as we advanced towards Ian who had an unsure look on his face. I wouldn't be surprised if he says "I do not". It would break me but that would be a break out, at least I'll be able to get out of this mess.

         "Take care of her buddy" Roland said immediately he placed my hand in Ian's and I couldn't help but notice then change in the beat of my heart. Since when did getting married to the man you're in love with become something so depressing?. Well, maybe it's since the day the guy declares you're nothing but a baby carrying machine.

          The procession started and everything went on without me ever looking at Ian except it was needed and the amount of uncertainty that I always met in his eyes broke me in more ways than one.

         "Do you Snow Charlotte Carr take Crown Prince Ian Asher Northridge to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, on sunny days and on rainy days, till death do you part?" The minister asked me and I blinked rapidly, my eyes went over to the Royal family seated in front and when Royalty smiled at me, I found a bit of my fears easing.

        "Yes I do" I said and that was when I realized Royalty was holding her breath cause her shoulders sagged in relief. She really thought I was going to bail on her brother.

        "Do you Crown Prince Ian Asher Northridge take Snow Charlotte Carr to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to respect, in sickness and in health till death do you part?" He asked Ian and he looked at me then at the minister before exhaling ever so silently.

        "Yes I do" he asked and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. It would have been downright humiliating, if anyone is going to have to refuse, it should be me.

         "You can now recite your vows before you exchange the rings" the minister said and he motioned for me to go first. Oh really?!!. Come on!. I had absolutely no idea what to say, I tried and tried to come up with something for the past weeks but nothing came up, all my half made up speech fell apart when Ian came back. He wasn't the guy in my vows anymore.
       "Bride?" The minister called and I realized I had zoned out and the whole church was looking at me like I had sprouted horns.

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