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Snow Carr Northridge

         "Babe!, Wake up!" I heard and turned in between the comfortable sheets, I definitely do not want to be awake right now,not at all.
         "Go away" I said and covered my head with the duvet, willing myself to fall asleep again and I was almost so grateful for the silence that followed when the duvet was peeled off my head. I opened my eyes to stare at the culprit and of course,it was my dearest husband.

      He leaned in and kissed me even though I always always tell him not to do that because of morning breath. It's been a year and 2 months since we became real husband and wife,and he has disobeyed since day 1.

     "Allie is crying" He said and I groaned. Yeah, we have a baby girl who's just a month old and she's the most beautiful baby I have ever seen in my entire life. She looks exactly like the Queen.

     "Why?, Ian why?. I finally got to put her to sleep 2 hours ago, whyyy" I groaned as I got off the bed.

      "Well, I tried to help but apparently I lack what she's looking for so...you need to go, come on, I know when you see her , all that sleep is going to clear out cause you always light up when you see her.

    "You know how to get me energised." I said as we both walked to her nursery and true to his words, my eyes lighted up and I suddenly didn't feel sleepy anymore, my pace increased and I almost rushed to hold her, to hold my crying little bundle of joy.

      I held her in my hands and it felt like it did the first time, the very first time I held her, I would never forget how Ian cried, it still makes me chuckle everytime.

       "Why are you laughing?, This girl is so mean, you haven't even fed her and she has quieted down. I feel unloved" Ian said and I chuckled as I sat on the chair.

     "She knows she's about to get some. And I am laughing because I remembered how you cried when you first held her" I said and his eyes had that look, that look that told me he was back in that labour room.

     "It was scary, maybe the scariest thing in the world, she looked so beautiful and so small, it was scary Snow. It was scary to know that she'd grow up to become a woman and that we'd play big roles in that life that would shape a lot of her and I was scared I wasn't ready" he said and I held his hand with one hand, the other securing my baby.

       "I love you baby, I love you so so much and I know you will be the best dad to our baby girl and her siblings" I said and the smile on his face was enough to light up my world.

       "I love you too Snow, I love you and Allie so much and I know, I will do right by both of you with God by my side. I'll be the best husband and the only husband you will ever have, we will fight occasionally, disagree on things but my heart will never stop beating for you. As for Allie and our siblings, they will never wish they had other parents, I will work my ass off to give them the best life and I will hold myself back whenever they do some bad things, I will correct them and help them to be better people. "

      "But you need to know Snow, I can only be this man if I have God and if you never leave me. I need you by my side till forever expires" He said and I didn't know I was already crying till he wiped my fave with his thumb.

     "I won't Ian. I'll love you till my lungs give out."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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