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Snow Carr Northridge

"Sooo the vacation was good for you guys huh?" Royalty said as we walked to her office together. I couldn't help the smile on my face, the remaining time we spent were awesome, he was nice to me, we laughed and yeah, we fought plenty of our petty fights that always made me end up with a racing heart.

"Yeah. It has been great Royalty. I'm just so happy, even if he's not in love with me, I'm glad we're friends. I can definitely live with that" I said and she gave me a sincere smile.

"I hope so. Let's talk about the showcase" She said and I smiled even brighter. Imperials was planning her big showcase and Royalty put me in charge. It's going to be one of the biggest showcase in the world and the thought of being involved with it left me dazed with excitement and pure bliss!.

"Yes please. I can barely keep myself from jumping with excitement" I said and soon, we became so engrossed in work that I missed the calls from Ian. It was when I was leaving that I checked my phone and noticed.

"Hey. I'm so sorry, I put my phone on vibration and I was in a meeting" I said immediately he picked up after I called back.

"Well, that cancels out the probability that you might have hearing problems. I'm outside your workplace ma'am, I don't like being stood up" He said and that was when it clicked that they were supposed to go see the doctor and Ian wanted to do baby shopping. That guy has no chills.

"Are you always this rude or you just like to pretend. I'll join you down in a minute" I said and hurried to my Office, picked my bag and proceeded to my impatient friend/husband.

"Finally, she's here, Bless the Lord. Do snails know they now have a competition?" He said and I rolled my eyes and got into the car.

"Oh shut up Ian, it's not like you're always so fast yourself. You take like a million years to dress up. Like an old lady with paraplegia" I said and he shook his head.

"Whatever. Where should we stop by first?" He said and I shrugged. It was his idea to go to the shopping mall so we might as well branch there last.

"How about we go see the doctor then head to the mall. The mall isn't very important so if we have to cancel any plans, it would be the shopping trip" I said and he gave me his evil eye.

"Women are so unbelievably complex. One minute, you're on your knees begging us to take you shopping, the next you're complaining about us taking you shopping. Do you have DID?" He said as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Oh please, when have I ever bugged you about taking me shopping?. Maybe your numerous women have done that but definitely not me" I said and a shadow flickered across his eyes but it went away almost immediately that I convinced myself it was just my imagination.

"And besides the shopping isn't for me but the baby who isn't even mature enough to need shopping. I'm not yet past my first trimester you know?. We have to take things easy with the plans" I said and a look of concern overtook his features.

"Are you feeling pain anywhere?. Is there something wrong with the baby?" He asked with a tenderness that made my heart race. He's going to be an amazing father. The best any child could ask for.

"No no. I was just saying the first trimester is always the riskiest so people tend to slow down a bit till the first trimester passes. I'm just about 6 weeks gone" I said and he seemed to relax a bit.

"Don't worry, that's why we're going to the doctor. Everything will be okay"he said and he took my hand in his and then placed his hand on my belly.

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