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Snow Carr Northridge.

       "I'll do that ma'am" one of the bell boys said, relieving me of the stress of having to drag my two boxes along. Ian couldn't come with immediately so he said he'll come tomorrow.

      "That work oriented boy, he's already missing a day out of a 5-day vacation. He's so much like his father" mum said rolling her eyes as we walked into a very grand hotel in Florida. Dad pulled her close and pressed a kiss into her hair.

      "Oh come on June, cut the boy some slack. You should be happy he even decided to follow through with your idea of a vacation. Snow should be the one doing all the ranting you're doing right now" he said and winked at me.

      "I know right. The poor girl is here without a partner but that's good for me anyway, I can't have too much people throwing their love in my face. For example, the four of you" Leanne said pointing at Dad,mum, Royalty and Roland. Roland, being the stubborn man that he is, pulled Royalty close and kissed her.

      "Gross" Savannah and Leanne said together and we all laughed. Those two are just the spawns of Satan.

       "You really should get a boyfriend Leanne. Don't follow in the footsteps of Royalty, I beg. I was almost considering sending an apology letter to Roland when he got mad at Royalty and stopped chasing her" mum said and everyone laughed out loud except Royalty, who was giving her mum the evilest eye ever.

    "Oh mum please, can you not drag me into your bantering this evening. I'm not in the mood" Royalty said grumbling and we all chuckled.  We were already at the reception and laughing way too loudly would be rude, especially since we're royalty.

     "Calm down babe. You've been cranky all day" Roland said as we moved to the elevator, after sorting out our rooms. The rooms were side by side, except mine and Ian's, which was on another floor entirely.

     "Try carrying another human being in your belly and see if you'll be living your best life" Royalty snapped and Roland raised his hands in mock surrender.

      "Ooookay mommy, I am sorry" he said and regret flashed in Royalty's eyes. I'm sure she wanted to apologize but she couldn't do that since we were in public so she moved closer to Roland who looked at her and gave her a smile only a man who is head over heels for a woman would give, he pulled her close and muttered something that made Royalty pink. I was happy for her, so so happy but man, was I envious too!

    I wanted this with Ian, I wanted to be able to find solace in his arms, to be able to apologize even without saying a word, I wanted to share every single moment with him and have fights with him....well, we do the last part quite well but it isn't exactly a lovers' kind of fight. Ours was always brutal.

     "Bye Snow, since Ian is a no-show, I know you won't mind coming to our room for a girl's time out" Savannah said and I smiled.

     "I'm a girl too....and I'm definitely coming. There better be Cheerios" Royalty said and we laughed before the elevator closed and I was left alone. My hands instinctively rested on my belly and I smiled. Sometimes I still find it soo hard to believe I'm really pregnant!. Like I have a baby growing inside of me.

     When the elevator stopped, I walked out and while trying to fix my falling bag strap, my key dropped and before I could bend to pick it up, someone else did it for me.

     "Thank you very much" I said immediately and looked up to see a guy around his mid twenties. He looked a little older than Ian but maybe with about a year and he was easy on the eyes. A little too easy if you ask me.

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