Kelly + Renee

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*Boston, MA*

-Kelly's POV-

Walking down the halls of the arena with my husband hand in hand felt amazing. I loved being able to travel with him, and the fact that Wynonna had agreed to begin to travel with the company again made it even more exciting. It had been nearly three years since she and I abruptly left the company without warning, leaving them in a bind and going through personal hair stylist and make-up artist since. I didn't want to toot our horns but Wynonna and myself were very good at what we did and we had passion for learning new and important way's to make other people look their best. It had been something we both had in common, among other things, since we where teens.

I had joined Corey on the road last week after Wynonna and I had met with Stephanie and signed a 6 month contract with the company, then we would sit back down and see how we felt about more. Stephanie had always been a super down to earth boss. She loved us, and even though Wynonna was married into her family now, from the very beginning she treated us like family. She was nothing like the persona she played in front of the camera's.

Kaiser, Wynonna, and Swayze would be joining the road on the next live event which would be in 2 days in Philly, Corey's hometown. Today I would be addressing the Superstars and other staff on our behalf, something Stephanie and Paul had always done when bringing someone new into the WWE family. Even though we weren't new to the life, it was still to get reacquainted. I agreed to do it so Wynonna could have a few more days to prepare herself for the change. She was doing better than I had thought she would, and I would be here to keep her sane and safe.

"Ready for all eye's on you baby?" Corey smiled down at me as we rounded the corner heading toward the conference room.

"Don't make me nervous." I chuckled as I gave his hand a squeeze.

"You nervous? Ha!" he smiled as we walked into the conference hall.

I looked around noticing some familiar faces, giving smiles and small waves as some waved. If I were being honest, I was looking for a certain man who I know would be quite interested in knowing why I was joining the meeting. Stephanie had promised not to let it out until this meeting so I knew it would come off as a shock.

"There she is." I heard Stephanie's voice behind me.

I turned giving her, Paul, Shane and Vince hugs before turning back to Corey, pecking his lips before I followed the McMahon's up to the front of the conference room, taking my seat and thanking Shane for holding my chair out for me. I crossed my leg and sat in silence as I listened to them discuss upcoming events, appearances and matches with the superstars. This company always amazed me by all that it did for charity and the good it brought to so many. Wynonna and I had been apart of a lot of Make-A-Wish events in the past and it was always rewarding.

"Alright guys, I know some of you have recognized this gorgeous lady to my right," Stephanie replied, making me smile. "If you don't already know her as our own Corey Graves' better half, she is one half of Sinners Paradise Salon and Cosmetics. With that being said, you know our styling team was let go a few weeks ago, and luckily we where able to come to a deal with Sinners to begin to travel with us. So i'm going to give the floor to Mrs. Graves here."

"Thank you Stephanie." I smiled as I stood in front. "Okay, let's not get too proper here, my name is Kelly Graves and as Steph was explaining, I am co-owner of Sinner's Paradise. My partner and I own and operate 4 different chains, one in Vegas, one in California, one in Connecticut, and one in Colorado. We are global with our cosmetics and we were previously employed by the WWE for nearly 5 years before venturing off to continue to expand our business and personal lives." I smiled toward Corey who looked on at me with pride. "We were extremely excited when Stephanie contacted us and gave us the opportunity to venture back and be able to glam up the best athletes in the world. Now with that being said, we don't just glam the girls here guys. We specialize in it all, and when I say all I mean all." I winked, chuckling along with the crowd.

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