Close Calls

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I loved keeping busy. Busy was what I needed to keep my mind off of the events of last night. I hadn't told Kelly or Corey about my encounter because I honestly hadn't had the time. We had been on the move since 8 am, non-stop. So much went into making the WWE show's work, and there were a lot of appearances that we had to make the staff and superstars look presentable for. I loved it. It gave us the opportunity to reconnect with people, see what was going on in their worlds, or just meet someone new and get to know them.

"I need food." I whined, plopping down in my chair as my last appointment before our evening touch-ups would begin just before show time.

"Kaiser brought you Chinese over two hours ago and your weren't satisfied." Kelly replied as she pulled a comb through Alexa's hair.

"I wasn't in the mood for food then." I grumbled, looking through my text messages.

"Your husband is awesome Wynonna." Alexa replied from Kelly's chair next to mine.

"Don't tell him that or his head will swell." I smiled toward her.

"He's so easy to cut promo's with. I'm so thankful he is back for the next few months." She replied, looking in the mirror as Kelly styled her blonde and pink locks.

"He enjoy's working with you all too. It's like Christmas everyday with him now." I chuckled, leaning my head back.

"I'm actually glad you girls are working with the company now too." Alexa continued. "I was over on Smackdown when you two where with the company before so I never actually got to meet you, but Carter was a wizard on my hair. Kenzie was amazing on make up as well."

"They'll be joining us here on Raw soon." Kelly smiled as she finished the hairstyle and began spraying hair spray on her hair. "We talked and decided to fly some more of our team out. Carter and Kenz jumped at the opportunity. Billy, Jada, Tommy and LaSuan will be on Smackdown."

"Their gonna love it." I smiled, texting Renee back.

"Hey, Wynonna, I didn't know Dean Ambrose was your brother." Alexa replied as she stood, admiring Kelly's work.

"Would you advertise that?" Kelly cut in, making me look up at her with a smile.

"Hey!" I chuckled. "Ambrose is an awesome brother. He may be rough around the edges but that gives him character." I winked at Alexa.

"He's a cool guy. Renee and I use to hang out and shop before things got hectic with me being champion."

"Congrats." I fist bumped her.

"Now go rock that hair and make up. Make me look like a boss." Kelly smiled, hugging her and saying goodbye.

Kelly began to tidy up her station, checking her phone here and there as I continued to sit in my chair, tapping my foot to the Asking Alexandria song that currently played from our radio. This is what we normally did when their were breaks between clients, got lost in our moment. I smiled as my phone dinged, opening a message from Renee to see a picture of Jon holding Swayze out in the stands, pointing towards the ring.

Early this morning Jon and Renee stopped by the salon and re-met Swayze. She instantly fell in love with them both and had Jon wrapped around her finger, just like every other man that was in her life. I loved seeing him with her because he was one of the important men in my life. Jon was special to me, and it meant a lot to me that he would be there for Swayze.

"Hey, I'm going to step out for a minute." I stood looking at Kelly. "You good?"

"Yea bro." I chuckled as she plopped down in her chair. "Steph is on her way so I can touch up her make-up."

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