Children always know

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Lunch had been an absolute joy. It was as if time had backed up and nothing had changed. Dad, Joe, Corey and Jon all still heckled each other the way they always had, while Mom still fussed over Kelly and I. Mom and Dad even fell in love with Renee, seeing as they had only ever heard stories about her and hadn't actually met her in person. She was thrilled to be known now as my parents daughter-in-law, which also made Jon very happy. The kids enjoyed the fact that the restaurant was near the built in kids park so they played a lot while us adults conversated.

Joe had invited the guys to go fishing with he and some of his family next week while we were in Florida, and of course my dad was quick to agree to go seeing as he loved fishing. He informed them that Jimmy and Jey, along with Colby and our friend Ron Killings known to the WWE universe as R-Truth would be going as well. He also was excited seeing as his dad, Sika, would be going and that meant dad would be meeting him. I was nervous seeing as I hadn't even met his father, but from all the stories I had been told while in a relationship with Joe back then let me know that he and my dad would hit it off instantly.

We had finished lunch and was just sitting at the table laughing and talking, waiting on the check when a loud cry broke through from the kids park. Everyone's head whipped in the direction and I instantly jumped onto my feet.

"Swayze!" I called out, as my feet carried me toward the wooden castle nearby.

"Are you okay Swayze?" I heard Maxwell's voice as I climbed up the little wall, pulling myself up.

I ducked down and walked under a small bridge, toward the crying. My eyes landed on my daughter as she sat on her butt, legs outstretched with her hand on her knee, wailing as if someone had tried to murder her. Haven sat on her knees next to her rubbing her back as Maxwell was bent in front of her, trying to sooth her and find if she was okay.

"Awe baby girl what happened?" I asked as I reach her, sitting down and pulling her into my lap. "Hey, shh." I cradled her head to my chest as I rocked.

"We where just playing Aunt Winnie." Haven replied, her little blue eyes welling with tears, her big brother instantly wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, I know baby it's okay. Did you two see what happened?" I asked softly.

"She was running and I think her sandle caught on the wood and she fell forward." Maxwell explained. "I ran over as soon as I heard her fall Winnie."

"Max it's okay hunny. Kids fall, she's okay." I smiled, still rocking my still crying child.

"Hey! Babies!" I heard Kelly's voice.

"Go to your mom before she has a heart attack." I smiled, watching as both kids ran in the direction I had came from. "Swayze?" I spoke softly, kissing the top of her head. "Momma can't see what's hurt on you or fix it if you don't calm down toots."

She sniffled a bit and sat back a bit, looking up at me, her blue/grey eyes still welled with tears. I ran my hands gently over her brown curls, my eyes looking over her face to see if she had hit her face, coming up with nothing. She took a few deep breaths looking down to wear her hands still covered her left knee.

"What happened toots?" I asked.

"My fell." She spoke sadly. "Hurt." She whimpered.

"Let me see baby." I gently moved her hands to see she had scrapped her knee, but not badly. "Awe, you gots a boo boo huh?"

"Yeah." She whimpered, pouting up at me.

"Do you hurt anywhere else?" I pouted too.

"Here." She turned her left arm and there was some slight skinning on her elbow.

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