You deserve happiness

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The next morning Jon accompanied Swayze and I to the airport to meet my parents. Even though I know Jon was dying to know what had happened between Joe and I the night before, he didn't pry. He only cracked a smile and joke about Joe not getting to his room until after midnight. I just shook my head and never commented on it, even though there was nothing to be ashamed of. Joe and I shared some heated kisses, longing hugs, and lust filled gazes before he left after making me promise to let him know as soon as we arrived back to the hotel with my parents. Joe was a gentlemen and just like me, he wouldn't kiss and tell unless he knew I would be fine with it. Right now I wasn't feeling guilty about what had happened between us, just anxious in finally telling Swayze that he was in fact her father. Even though I knew in her heart she felt their connection already, this was big news to drop on a three year old.

After many hugs, some tears and laughs we loaded up my parents things and headed off to the hotel. We had made plans to have lunch together along with Renee and I would be discussing the idea of Joe joining us with them beforehand. Jon helped get their luggage up into my room where they would be staying with Swayze and I, before he offered to take Swayze down to the pool where Renee, Pamela, Trinity, and some other superstars where just enjoying the beautiful day. After they left I made my parents some coffee and we sat in the lounging area of the room, laughing and catching up on what they had been doing since our last visit. They didn't get to travel much so this was a big deal to them.

"So, has Kaiser tried to contact you?" Dad asked, looking over at me from his spot across the table.

"He's been texting but I don't answer them." I sighed, looking over at Patti who sat next to me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "He also has been sending Swayze and myself roses to every town."

"So there's no chance of you two working it out?" Patti asked softly, my dad giving a 'humph' sound.

"No." I shook my head, looking at her. "You both know I didn't love him like I should've when we got married anyways."

"You did it because you felt that's what you needed at the time to get over Anoa'i." Dad spoke, to which I nodded. "I tried to tell you not to do it, pumpkin."

"I know Daddy but I've always done things the hard way." I sighed.

"Don't we know it." He and Patti chuckled together. "So have you spoken to Andrea?"

"I have." I replied after taking a sip of my water. "She is drawing up some papers and she said she will email me when she can fly out and go over them with me."

"What about Swayze?" Patti asked, making me take a deep breath.

"Well, I'm glad you two brought her up because I have something I want to say out loud." I glanced over towards my dad who had a small smile on his face. "Swayze isn't biologically Kaisers."

The room grew silent as I waited on them to reply. I felt like I was back in high school waiting on my dad to scold and punish me for breaking curfew again.

"We know that already Wynonna." my dads voice spoke, my eyes looking up into his smiling face. "We knew that the moment she made her appearance into this world."

"We knew you would tell us when you where ready." Patti spoke. "Even though it took you three years." They chuckled.

"Question is, does Joe now know he is her father?" Dad asked.

"Yes." I smiled. "I didn't even have to tell him, one look and he knew."

"I take it that's the reason Kaiser went on the war path?" Patti asked.

"More than likely. Even though he apparently already knew cause Corey told us some shit about it before the blow up. But of course Kaiser does what Kaiser does and makes it into this huge ordeal to his family and thank god they are more level headed and listened to Jon and I when we met with them. Vince was very disappointed in his actions and explained they would do anything they could for Swayze and I."

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