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The next morning I was awoken to the sound of loud laughter and sequels. I sat up from the most comfortable sleep I had in weeks, opening my eyes to see the sun shining through the windows, letting me know it was in fact morning. I left out a huff as I ran my fingers through my unruly hair, tangled from my slumber, a small smile coming to my lips. Last night Joe had invited over Jonathon and Trinity who brought Jonathon's children. Josh and his wife, along with their children. Jon and my dad had grilled and we all just enjoyed each others company while the kids played. It was refreshing to just relax and live in the moment, and see my daughter extremely happy. I couldn't help but notice the smile that was constant on Joe's face as well. His happiness made me happy but I just couldn't help but feel this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was about to blow up. The last time I had been this happy it all blew up in my face and I ended up heartbroken and married to someone I didn't love. Which, technically, I was still married to him but, that's a song for another time.

I slide out of bed and glanced at the clock to see it was after 10 a.m, surprising me. I never got to sleep in this late because Swayze was always up before 730 a.m. and I was the first person she pounced on. After relieving myself in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and combing my hair, I headed out of the bedroom towards the sounds that woke me. As I rounded the corner towards the kitchen I froze at the sight, my breath catching in my throat as I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Standing in front of the stove was Joe, a huge smile on his face as he stood awfully close to the woman I had seen in his hospital room all those years back. She was gorgeous. Her hair was up in a high bun on her head, no make up graced her flawless face that held one of the most loving smiles as she looked up into Joe's eyes. I was envious of her beauty and how she made even a simple track suit look sexy. They looked so comfortable with each other, in love even. I licked over my lips, trying to will my nerves and the nagging feeling of hurt to go away, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from them, or stop my mind from believing things that might not be true.


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I turned at the sound of my daughter voice, smiling as she ran towards me from the open patio doors.

"Good morning baby." I smiled, scooping her into my arms and kissing her head. My eyes darted back into the kitchen to see two sets of eyes on me, some obvious space had been placed between the two as well.

"You sleep long time." Swayze leaned back looking at me with a smile.

"I know. You didn't wake me either." I tickled her a bit, smiling at her giggles.

"My woke up Daddy. He make Goofy cakes." She bounced.

"He did huh?" I smiled.

"Uh huh. Out there." She pointed behind her towards the patio "My have a sister, Momma. You know that?" A big smile on her beautiful face

My eyes bulged a bit, a sudden wave of anger hitting me. What happened to telling her things together?

"Um-" I started

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