Part 1

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"Louis Tomlinson" The Dean of the university announces, his strong English accent present and intimidating. Louis gets up, smiling, he goes towards the stage, his last name starts with T so like always he's one of the last ones up. He approaches the stage, ascending the three stairs successfully, he accepts his graduation certificate and the handshake offered. Louis then hears cheering and wolf whistles from the back of the room and Louis knows its his imbecile big brothers.

Louis has waited four years for this moment, living in a small campus dorm, late study nights, exam after exam, its all been worth it though, for this moment. He's graduated with top honours in his degree, hoping to pursue a career in architecture and design.

As he gets off the stage he and his best friend Noah hug each other and smile brightly.

"We did it Lou!" Noah smiles.

"London here we come" Louis smiles back.

Louis and Noah have been roommates for the last three years. Noah is two years older with Blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a deep tan, one would mistake him for an Australian surfer. Noah started his degree later than Louis due to having a two year gap year.

After Louis first roommate got expelled from the campus for inappropriate behaviour, Noah and Louis were assigned together. Noah is straight but doesn't have a girlfriend, he majored in design like Louis, however he's more into computer design. Both boys decided they would move to London together, live in an apartment thats been paid for in full by Noah's parents, (his graduation present) and pursue their new careers. Louis opting to pay rent to Noah as a condition of living together though. After a few harmless fights Noah decided he'd never win and gave in to Louis request.

"There he is, Come on Kid where's our hugs" Louis older brother Drew says as he comes up behind him and Noah.

Louis smiles and turns around hugging Drew excitedly.

"We are so proud of you kiddo" Drew says letting him go.

"Okay, my turn" Edward, says coming up to get his hug.

"Save the best for last huh" Scott says cheekily as he hugs Louis tightly. they all congratulate Noah and ruffle Louis hair proudly.

Louis has grown up as the youngest in his family, his parents died seven years ago when Louis was 14, in a car crash. Louis nearly lost his life too, but he survived and his brothers raised him for three years before he left for university.

Scott is the oldest, he's 31, a full time surgeon at Manchester private hospital, he's tall, muscly, intimidating and high class. With brown hair and grey eyes he looks like he'd break you in a second, he's cold towards most people but not with Louis or his brothers and especially not his wife. Scott is married to an amazing women Sammy and they live in Manchester, where Louis was raised.

Edward is 29, a top high profile Lawyer, he's still single but isn't looking to settle down. Edward is the fun one, always up for a good time and party. he's also tall, intimidating, has brown hair and brown eyes, he's extremely good looking and has girls falling at his feet.

Drew comes next at 27, he's a police officer and loves his job immensely, he has a steady girlfriend, Vanessa. The tall genes didn't skip Drew either, he's the blonde of the family though with grey eyes.

Louis is the youngest at 21, he has brown hair, blue eyes like his mum and has the most gorgeous cheek bones. He, unfortunately, didn't get the height gene and is short, skinny and just tiny in all sense of the word. he's gay and proud and Noah and the boys support him to the ends of the earth.

The boys all live within 15 minutes of each other and every Sunday they have a family dinner at Scott and Sammy's.

The boys are all wealthy and live extremely comfortably, Louis never asks for anything though and works part time at a coffee shop. The boys paid for his tuition but Louis wanted to make it himself, he turned down their offer of an apartment overlooking Manchester while he studied and opted for a dorm, he wanted to earn his own money and pay his way. Including paying the boys back weekly for his tuition.

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