Part 3

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Louis walks the 25 minutes to the coffee shop, he feels awful but that will serve him right for drinking he supposes. its cool out and Louis wishes he'd brought his jacket.

Louis has worked at the Cafe for three years, the two girls who own the shop are lovely and are really good to Louis, he enjoys working there, its always so busy though, which makes the day go faster. Louis job is to serve the customers and puts orders in, he's glad he doesn't have to make the food or coffee, he's terrible at it. It's his last shift today and it will be a bitter sweet one.

"There he is, Mr Graduate" Alice says smiling as Louis enters the back room behind the counter.

Louis smiles in response.

"Im going to miss you guys" Louis says.

"We're going to miss you too kiddo, we are so happy for you though" Jessica, Alice's Sister says.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to come back whenever I'm in town" Louis says.

"You better, keep us updated on that love life of yours" Alice Says

Louis laughs a loud laugh.

"My non existent love life" Louis says shaking his head.

"Well that will change, I know it" Jess says smiling.

Louis nods his head, not sure why every one is so interested on his love life all of a sudden.

He gets to work and through his shift okay, he doesn't vomit again thank god but he feels really shitty, Louis knows he's lucky he didn't end up in hospital and won't risk drinking that much again, he won't tell Noah that though.

Louis is about to finish up when a customer walks in, its quiet this time of the afternoon and Louis is thankful for it today. He looks up about to greet the customer, when standing in front of him is non other than Harry Styles.

"Louis" Harry smirks as his greeting.

"Um, Hi Harry?" Louis says a bit of a question, he's so confused why Harry is even here.

They stare at each other, the tension building between the two. They are both oblivious to the small crowd taking photos of Harry and filming on their phones.

"Um...can I get you um...something" Louis asks shyly.

YOU, is all Harry is thinking, he's had Louis on his mind for the last two days and he can't seem to get rid of his thoughts. This boy is completely gorgeous and Harry wants him underneath him this instant.

"Long black" Harry says curtly and Louis nods and gets to putting the order in.

Louis heart rate is fast, he's not used to these feelings, Harry makes him feel weak and fuzzy.

"When is your shift over?" Harry asks.

" now" Louis says.

Louis takes the coffee from the Barrister and hands it to Harry, Harry grabs it and downs it in one go.

"Id like you to accompany me for the afternoon" Harry says calmly and so formal like, its intimidating.

"Uhhh" Is all Louis can manage.

"Its not a question Darling, the car will be at the back ally in 3 minutes" Harry states as he leaves a 20 dollar bill on the counter.

Louis is completely taken a back by Harry's confidence, he watches Harry waltz out of the coffee shop, his two security guards and the crowd of people who follow him to his car.

Who the hell is this guy Louis wonders. Louis texts Noah and lets him know whats going on, he has a quick and teary goodbye to Alice and Jess and by the time he's in the back ally he's 10 minutes late.

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