Part 13

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"What the hell do you mean Cal?" Harry booms into the phone the next morning.

Louis hears Harry yelling as he enters the doorway to his office, Louis is dressed in black skinny jeans and a baseball tee, his black and white check vans on his feet. He was hoping to ask Harry a favour but he doesn't know if he should even go near Harry right now.

"I want him found" Harry seethes.

Louis decides it's probably best not to ask Harry his question now and goes to leave Harry's doorway but Harry sees him, they lock eyes.

"I don't care, call me when you've got him" Harry says angrily, eyes never leaving Louis.

He hangs up and they stare at each other, Louis wary of what's going on..

"I...are you okay?" Louis asks concerned.

Harry looks at Louis confused.

"It's just business darling" Harry says his voice tight.

"Okay, But are you still okay?" Louis asks a little more timidly.

"Come here" Harry says as he sits in his chair and opens his arms for Louis. Louis walks over and straddles Harry's lap.

"I didn't mean to scare you" Harry says truthfully.

"You didn't....I just hope you're okay, you've been busy and a little stressed and I just want you to be okay and...happy" Louis says.

Harry is quite taken a back by what Louis has said. He's definitely not one to need looking after, nor want it for that matter. He's usually the dominant one, the one who is in charge and he likes it that way. He is however very endeared by Louis asking him, knowing Louis cares so much about him makes Harry love him even more, it's hard for Harry to remember Louis is with him because he loves Harry, not because he wants something in return.

Harry is the one who needs to protect Louis though, love him and care for him and to keep himself safe.

"I'm fine my darling, it's just work" Harry says.

"Anything I can help with" Louis asks excitedly.

Harry chuckles as he rubs his hands down Louis thighs.

"Well....maybe if you worked for me..." Harry jokes.

Louis smirks.

"Well technically, I do" Louis says as he responds to Harry's touches and rocks his hips slightly.

Harry smirks before he takes Louis lips in his, Louis moans as Harry's tongue invades his mouth expertly. Things get heated quickly and Harry moves swiftly to place Louis on his back on the desk, he hovers over Louis and trails kisses down his neck and back up to his ear lobe, where he sucks. Louis grips Harry's hair in response.

Louis thinks Harry feels absolutely amazing, his hot breath on his skin causes Louis to shiver in the best way.

"You have no idea what you do to me Louis" Harry says breathlessly.

Harry removes Louis jeans swiftly, his legs dangling over the edge of his desk. Harry flips him over effortlessly, Louis feet hit the ground and Harry holds his torso down over the desk as he bends down and spreads Louis legs.

Harry admires Louis for a few seconds until he can't take it anymore. He licks over Louis hole before he's sucking and licking expertly. Louis is a panting mess, is falling apart on top of Harry's desk. He feels incredible and Harry can't get enough of Louis sounds.

Harry wastes no time in opening up his gorgeous boy, and by the time he deems Louis Ready Harry's cock is painfully hard and huge. Harry slides inside Louis tight little hole and they both moan before Harry is finding the perfect Rhythm.

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