Part 20

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Louis sighs and takes his music out of his ears, he throws his phone across the room, he doesn't care if it's broken. He sits watching the rain for a while, he's so sick of feeling guilty about his life, so sick of being a burden. He's lost in thought and loses track of time, before he hears a noise outside the bedroom door, thinking it's Scott, Louis goes to find him.

He enters the hallway and is stops in his tracks. He sees a man in all black with a ski mask over his face, their eyes meet and Louis knows instantly its Dan. Louis breath hitches, what the hell is going on, Louis is scared. He backs away from Dan in fright but he backs himself into a chest.

"Where do you think you're going" Sam's voice echos in his ear as his arms wrap around Louis body.

Louis heart rate pics up, he has no idea what is going on, or how they both got passed security and into the apartment.

Louis struggles in Sam's arms, Sam tries to restrain him but he manages to kick Sam in the shin and he's let go. He runs as fast as he can to the lounge, he just needs to get to the door and to Paddy and Charlie. Louis makes it into the lounge room and is brought to a halt. The front door is chained shut from the inside and he can see what looks to be an explosive device connected. It then hits Louis, if he or security break down the door they are all dead.

Louis panics, he needs to find a way out. Dan stalks over angrily and grabs Louis but he fights, he puts up as much fight as he can with a fucked shoulder. Furniture is being knocked over but Louis just needs to get away, he runs towards the kitchen, both men hot on his tail. Louis throws a lamp at one of them and gets an anomalistic growl in response.

He reaches the kitchen but he's then tackled to the ground and lashed into, Louis isn't strong enough to fight the two of them and he tries to shield his face as he's continuously beaten and attacked. He's kicked and punched by both men and when he's pliant enough because he's so sore and hurt. Dan gags him and ties his hands behind his back.

He's pulled up by Dan and Sam gets in his face.

"You ever pull something like that again, I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head, are we clear" Sam says as he cocks his gun to Louis head.

Louis looks into Sam's evil eyes, he's scared shitless

"I said am I clear" Sam yells as he grabs Louis hair and pulls his head back tightly.

Louis just nods slightly as he can't talk. He's then led back into the lounge and sat on the floor in the corner.

"Don't fucking move" Dan spits at him.

Dan and Sam then walk to the middle of the Lounge room to talk.

Louis rests his head on the wall as tears threaten his eyes, he's fucked. What the fuck is he supposed to do now. He just hopes Harry and the boys are safe, he has no way to warn them about the bomb.


Harry makes it to his office, he feels so guilty for the way he's been acting and has been organising things on the drive to work, with how to make it all up to Louis. He's just putting his coat away when his phone buzzes.

"Styles" Harry answers.

"Harry, where are you" Drew's panicked voice sounds over the phone.

"I just got to the office, why what's wrong" Harry asks his voice wavering at Drew's tone.

"Theirs a hostage situation, it's Louis. The building has been evacuated but they've got Louis In the apartment" Drew says.

"I'm on my way" Harry says as he hangs up.

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