Part 17

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"Hiya kiddo" Drew says as Louis enters the kitchen later that night after he's showered.

"Drew" Louis says and rushes forward into Drew's waiting arms.

Louis is dressed in black sweats and Harry's grey hoodie and Drew thinks he's so tiny.

Harry watches on fondly as Drew picks Louis up, cuddles him and places him on the bench. He then and stands in front of louis smiling. Harry grabs Drew's beer and his own wine glass and hands Drew his drink.

Harry smiles at Louis and kisses him on the forehead.

"You okay?" Drew asks concerned as he inspects Louis cut on his head.

Louis nods, he coughs a few times though, it's just started and Louis feels a little tight in his chest.

Drew watches Louis intently before he looks him over,

"Have you been eating?" Drew asks as he asses Louis further, he's so tiny.

"Yeah, I guess" Louis says.

"Louis" Drew says dominantly as he looks to Harry for confirmation.

"Not as much as I'd like" Harry says.

Drew looks back to Louis expectantly.

"Drew, just leave it" Louis says upset.

"You know what happens when you stop eating Louis, why aren't you eating" Drew asks.

"I am, I'm just stressed out a bit" Louis says.

Drew sighs.

"Scott and Edward will be here tomorrow, Scotts not going to be happy when he sees you so tiny" Drew says.

Louis sighs.

"Are you staying?" Louis asks changing the subject.

"Yeah, Harry has organised an apartment one floor below for us" Drew says.

Louis turns to Harry and smiles shyly, Harry winks sexily back at Louis.

"We were just discussing some things about the case" Drew says.

"Oh, what about it" Louis asks.

Harry goes to the fridge and gets out a can of lemonade, he grabs a glass with ice and pours it for Louis before handing it over. Louis smiles in response.

"Do you want to hear? It's okay if you don't" Harry says.

Louis is so thankful for Harry but he needs to know what's going on and what's going to happen.

"Yeah I just wanna know what's going to happen" Louis says

Harry nods as they walk into the lounge area drinks in hand. They all sit down, Louis instinctively on the floor as he rests against the back of the couch and rests his drink on the coffee table.

Harry smirks at Louis and Louis blushes as he's reminded of very first time he and Harry kissed.

Drew sits down on the couch and takes a sip of his beer, Harry sits next to Louis on the couch and starts playing with Louis hair.

Louis coughs again and it sounds quite wet and Harry and Drew share a concerned look.

"When did that start?" Drew asks.

"Just an hour ago, it's nothing I'm fine" Louis says

"I'll call Ben" Harry says.

"No Harry please, I promise I'm fine" Louis says.

Harry sighs as he looks to Drew.

"Scott will be here tomorrow, he will look you over, no arguments" Drew says pointedly.

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