Part 23

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Louis wakes In a sweat, his breathing irregular, he sits up straight in bed, the pain unbearable but not as much as the memories that have returned. His nightmare wasn't just a nightmare, but flashbacks, real life. He remembered everything and if he could take it all back he would.

"Louis, we need you to breathe" Scott says his voice extremely panicked.

"We need you to relax Louis, take some deep breaths" Ben says as he rushes into the room.

Harry is moved out of the way as Ben, Scott and Casey try to calm Louis down. He's developed a fever and woke from a nightmare in a panic that has the boys worried, even Scott has never seen Louis like this before. He's panicking and isn't responding.

Edward Drew and Harry watch on as Louis gasps for air, his oxygen tubes replaced with a mask as they try to stabilise Louis. Louis then reaches for his drips and pulls them out.

"Shit" Scott says as he tries to stop Louis.

"Kiddo, you're okay, nothing is going to happen to you" Scott says gently.

Harry then comes over, he can't stand to see Louis like this. He takes his shoes off and gets into the bed, he fits behind Louis and brings him back against his chest. He wraps his strong arms around Louis tiny body and whispers things in his ear.

Louis responds instantly, he feels Harry's arms, can smell his calming familiar smell and his deep gentle voice is so soothing.

"Good boy darling, that's it, I've got you, I'm here" Harry keeps repeating.

Louis eventually calms down his breathing, he's shaking from being scared and from his fever, he's sweaty, sore and so tired. He's scared out of his mind though and his complexion is pale.

The room begins to relax as Louis does. Louis is with it now and tears spring to his eyes as he reaches for the oxygen mask to take it off.

"Uh Uh Uh leave that on darling, it's helping you" Harry says gently.

Louis chokes out a sob at that, he doesn't want it on.

"Shhhhhh it's okay I'm here" Harry says as he strokes Louis sweaty fringe off his forehead.

"I remembered, I remember....." Louis sobs.

"Ohhhh baby, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry Louis" Harry says a she wraps Louis up in his arms even tighter.

"They, they, they're going to kill me" Louis says.

"Louis, listen to me, no one is going to kill you" Drew says as he walks over and sits on the bed next to Harry and Louis.

Louis looks innocently at Drew,

"They are both locked up, we promise they aren't ever getting out" Drew says with conviction, trying to reassure his brother.

Louis manages to take the oxygen mask off and throws it on the bed.

"I'm scared" Louis says his breathing irregular again.

"No darling, just relax it's all okay we are here and will protect you, you're okay" Harry reassures.

"I want to go home Harry, but I can't go back there" Louis chokes.

"I know darling I know" Harry says.

"You've spiked a fever kiddo and you know what that means, you're stuck here a bit longer" Edward says carefully.

"No" Louis says defeated.

"We're Sorry Lou" Drew says.

Louis can't stop his tears as he cries himself back to sleep on Harry's muscly chest.

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