Part 15

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Louis and Lacey have a blast and Louis is instantly in love with the little girl, they have formed a special bond in just a few hours. Louis is so used to being the youngest one that he's loving looking after Lacey.

Harry and Joey end up being stuck in their meeting and an hour after Louis has drawn Lacey over 30 pictures to colour in, she gets board.

"Unca Lou, I'm board" Lacey says.

Louis laughs.

"Why don't we go for a walk outside, I saw some cupcakes down the hall with pink icing" Louis says.

Lacey's eyes light up and she's nodding eagerly. Louis grabs her hand and they walk into the foyer, Louis doesn't miss every single person watching them. He tries to say hello to a few people but they look at him in disgust.

Lacey gets her cupcake and they begin to walk back to the office. That's when Louis sees Jake and four other guys laughing as they walk down the hallway towards the lifts. Jake spots Louis and smirks badly, Louis doesn't like Jake one bit and leads Lacey quickly back to Harry's office.

Louis heart rate goes up and he tries to calm himself down and focus on Lacey, He doesn't understand why Jake is still working for Harry.

After another half an hour, Harry and Joey aren't back yet and Lacey and Louis become tired, they both fall asleep on the comfy couch, surrounded by drawings. Lacey lies on top of Louis chest snuggled into his neck.

Louis wakes to a click and comes face to face with Harry and Joey snapping a few pics of him and Lacey.

"Sorry, we fell asleep" Louis whispers.

"We're sorry the meeting ran late, thank you for watching her Lou, she's smitten" Joey says.

"I am too" Louis smiles.

Joey smiles back and picks Lacey up, they say good buys and Joey leaves the office. Harry sits next to Louis on the couch and kisses him.

"Thank you for watching Lace" Harry says.

"Of course" Louis says.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks,

"I'm fine" Louis says.

Harry smiles as he gets up to get a drink and a sandwich from the frosted fridge.

"Hungry?" Harry asks as Louis shakes his head no.

Harry sighs but doesn't push Louis, he goes to sit on the front of his desk.

"Haz?" Louis asks, he wants to bring up Jake but doesn't want Harry to get upset.

"Yeah baby?" Harry asks taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Um, I saw Jake before" Louis says.

Harry's eyebrow furrows.

"He didn't say anything or approach you did he?" Harry asks,

"Um no...just why, is he here?" Louis asks

"Well he works for me" Harry says shrugging.

"Like, um like I was meant to work for you?" Louis asks,

Harry swallows his mouthful

"Yes, but that finished ages ago, we weren't together Louis, it didn't mean anything" Harry says.

Louis nods.

He is scared to ask the next question but needs to know,

"How many people here, have you slept with and offered a job too?" Louis asks.

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