Part 9

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Louis wakes a few times during the night, he can't sleep, even though his body is completely exhausted, he just can't sleep. He knows he's coming down with something, he's worried about work and Harry being so cold towards him and not telling him more about this guy at the door tonight.

Louis rolls over and faces Harry, he watches him sleep, Harry is simply stunning. He's fit, handsome and extremely intimidating, his long lean strong body make Louis feel things he's never felt before, fire in his belly and attraction like nothing else. He's falling so hard for Harry. He sighs and watches Harry breathing, it's the most vulnerable he's ever seen Harry and he takes his time to really take in Harry's features.

At 5am Louis is still awake, he has a quick shower and changes into skinny jeans and his black sweater and vans. He brushes his teeth and does his hair. As he's lifting his hands up to finish styling his hair, Louis notices the blue and red bruises around his arm from Dan yesterday. They are more noticeable and hurt, he hopes they are gone by Sunday when his brothers come up, he doesn't want to have to explain them. By the time Louis is finished,Harry hasn't stirred, Louis knows he gets up at 6. Louis grabs his things and leaves at 5:30 to head into work, he can't be late.

When he walks into the private foyer to wait for the lift, he is greeted by two security guards, they wish him a good day as he heads downstairs. At the bottom of the lift he's once again greeted by two security men, they lead him out to the curb and somehow Alberto is already waiting for him.

He's ushered in the car.

"What's going on?" Louis asks as Alberto gets in the drivers seat and one of the security men gets in next to Alberto.

"Just precaution, Mr Styles has asked for you to have security" Alberto says.

"I don't think that's necessary" Louis says.

"This is Paddy, he will be escorting you and helping me" Alberto says.

"Morning kiddo" Paddy says smiling.

"Morning" Louis sighs.

Louis isn't happy, Harry for one is keeping things from him and two he's already making decisions without Louis knowing and without him having a say.

"Is he always this possessive" Louis asks upset, before he can stop himself.

"Only with you" Al says quietly.

Louis sits back in his seat, trying to calm himself down before work, he will have words with Harry tonight.

When they pull up to Louis work, Paddy is out instantly, holding the door open for Louis.

"Have a good day kid, let me know if you are heading out to lunch please" Al says.

Louis nods but knows he won't be going anywhere, he won't have time and he won't be escorted to lunch like a child.

Louis wishes Al a good day and Paddy walks Louis inside the building.

He goes to follow him into the office but Louis stops him.

"What exactly are your instructions from Harry?" Louis asks before he heads in.

"Sorry Louis, I have to stand at your desk" Paddy says.

"Not happening, no way, please, please just stay out here or downstairs please" Louis says slightly begging.

"I will lose my job if I don't follow orders Lou" Paddy says.

"I'll deal with Harry okay, you won't get into trouble, give me 10 minutes" Louis says.

Paddy sighs but nods and waits by the main entry doors.

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