Part 4

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"So you boys are ready to move tomorrow morning? all packed?" Scott asks as they are all eating dinner Sunday night.

"Yep my car is all packed" Noah says excited.

Louis and Noah spent all day packing up their dorm, ready for the move. London is only two hours away and the boys have made a fortnightly dinner arrangement alternating between Sammy and Scotts and Louis and Noah's.

"What time are you planning to head out?" Drew asks from across the table.

"Um probably about 7, the movers are arriving at 10 at the apartment" Noah says.

"Movers?"Louis asks, he's been quiet all day and tonight, the boys have all noticed but figured Louis is just nervous about moving.

He hasn't told anyone about his confrontation with Harry, but for some reason he can't get it out of his head, can't seem to push it aside and its bothering him.

"Ahhh yeah movers" Noah says sheepishly.

"What did you do?" Louis asks, he's just playing with his food and he puts his fork down, turning towards Noah.

"Well, I kind of furnished the apartment" Noah says.

"Noah" Louis says upset and the boys chuckle.

The boys understand Louis wants to make it himself, but they wish he would let them help him.

"Look, I just got you a mattress okay, nothing else, but I'm not having you sleep on the floor. I want the place furnished Lou, I'm sorry" Noah says.

"Its okay, just as long as its not my room, thanks for the mattress" Louis says.

Noah smiles and ruffles Louis hair.

"Of course Kid" Noah says.

"So Lou, I had an interesting call this afternoon" Edward pipes up.

"Oh" Louis asks, please don't be anything to do with Harry, he thinks.

"Yeah, Harry Styles, he's one of my clients" Edward says.

Great Louis thinks, he sighs and leans back in his chair.

"What did he want?" Louis asks.

"He wanted me to talk to you about his Job offer" Edward says.

"Job Offer?" Scott asks so surprised.

"What?' Drew asks nearly choking on his meal.

"Louis, you didn't tell me this" Noah Scolds.

"There is nothing to tell. You can tell Mr Harry Styles he can shove his job up his arse, and make sure you use those exact words" Louis says angrily.

The whole table goes quiet.

"Ahhh Okay?" Drew says confused.

"Louis a job from Harry Styles is huge, why wouldn't you consider it?" Scott says.

"I don't need Harry Styles to make my career, I want to work from the bottom and I want to work somewhere I want to, besides, the guy is a big ass dick" Louis says and Noah and Drew laugh while Scott and Edward share a look.

"He said you wouldn't even consider the job Lou, what happened?' Edward asks.

"Wait, you've met him, you've spoken to him?" Drew asks.

"Yeah so what, Edward sees him all the time, it wasn't all that awesome. I don't even know why there is so much fuss over him, so he owns a construction business, big deal, he's an up himself prick" Louis says.

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