Part 14

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Louis wakes at 5am, he's sore and his throat is really hurting. Harry is sleeping peacefully next to him and he tries his best to get up without waking Harry. Louis knows it's been a rough night for the both of them.

He makes his way to the kitchen and gets a glass of water, it soothing his throat instantly. He then heads to the couch, grabs the blanket off the end of the cushions and curls up near the fire place. It's so quiet and Louis is trying not to think, he turns the TV down low so the noise can distract him.

Louis doesn't understand why Dan and that other guy Sam would do what they did, obviously they were mad at Harry and blamed Louis as well but it doesn't explain why they were burning down the office. Neither of them even knew Louis was going to turn up.

Louis is lost in his thoughts and doesn't notice Harry making his way out into the lounge and over to the couch, he kneels down in front of Louis carefully.

"Okay Angel?" He asks gently.

Louis looks at Harry innocently and nods.

"Listen darling, I know I let it go last night but, I need you to talk to me now" Harry says ever so gently.

Louis looks down at his fingers as the tears threaten again. Harry hates that Louis is hurting and rubs over his thighs gently. Harry is never like this, never this caring or invested with feelings, he just wants to take all of Louis pain away, wrap him up and love him.

"I'm not mad baby, I just want to understand why you didn't tell me about Dan hurting you" Harry says.

"I'm sorry Harry, I'm sorry" Louis rasps.

"Hey, it's okay I promise darling" Harry says.

"I thought, I could handle it, that I could deal with it. If my brothers found out they would have stopped me working and made me come home. I wanted to prove to you and them, that I could handle it. I'm so sorry" Louis says.

Harry is quick to scoop Louis up and curl up with him on the couch, protecting him.

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you, I'm sorry I wasn't there Louis. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you yesterday. I love you so god dam much baby and I will make sure Dan and Sam will never hurt you again.....ever" Harry says.

"I love you Harry" Louis says.

They cuddle with each other for a little while longer, just thankful they are still with each other.

"Do my brothers know?" Louis asks quietly.

"Everyone knows darling, it's all over the news" Harry says with some regret.

"Are they angry" Louis asks.

"God no, Louis, everyone is just so thankful you're okay. And no they aren't making you pack up and go home, they know you're safe with me and Scott is learning to trust Ben after he treated you. It's all okay alright, I promise" Harry reassures.

Louis nods his head.

Harry then brings his big hands and cups Louis face, he looks him in the eyes.

"Listen, I know I can be hot headed and I'm very very protective of you and my first reaction is usually anger, I know I can be a little overbearing when it comes to your safety. Next time if something is bothering you, you're being hurt or anything, Louis, please, please come to me, I promise you I won't do anything rash and I will protect you. You have my word angel" Harry says and it's so genuine and full of love that Louis gets choked up.

"I will, I promise. I'm sorry I didn't come to you, I really am. I love you so much" Louis confesses and they hug each other

They both spend the morning cuddling together, Harry fields a few media calls before it starts getting to much and they need to get Harry's team involved.

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