Part 6

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Louis feels like a ton of bricks has fallen on top of him when he and Harry enter Louis apartment just after lunch. Noah approaches him instantly, checking Louis over for any sign of anything untoward. Harry watches on fondly.

"Im fine" Louis says pushing Noah off.

"Really?" Noah asks as he walks to the kitchen counter, picks up three gossip magazines and hands them to Louis.

"What the fuck" Louis panics.

Harry is at his side instantly.

"Harry" Louis looks at him almost desperate.

Louis and Harry are all over the magazines, Louis identity, location, what he does for a living, where he works, is everywhere.

"I'll fix it" Harry says full of authority, he pulls out his phone and goes to make a few calls.

"Shit" Louis says as he makes his way to the couch and sits down. He already wasn't feeling well and now he feels worse.

"Its okay kiddo, I've read it all, its just a bunch of gossip, talking about how you're Harry's new squeeze, it will be old news when people find out you're just friends" Noah says.

Louis looks at Noah with a pained expression.

"Oh shit, you're, you're a couple now?" Noah asks.

"Something like that" Louis confirms.

"But, last time we spoke about Harry, you called him a Dick Wad, an Arsehole and told him to shove his job up his Arseholy Arse, if I recall correctly" Noah says just as Harry walks back into the room. Harry smirks at Noah's words.

"Did he now?" Harry asks fondly.

"Well, that was before, you know, everything" Louis says, waving his hands between them as Harry laughs.

"So then its all true? you're a couple?" Noah confirms.

"Yes, and I guess thats news, I'm sorry sweetheart" Harry says turning sympathetic.

"Can you do anything?" Louis asks.

"All I can do is try to control what's printed, my team can supply the content" Harry says.

Louis sighs.

"I'm sorry Louis, I'll do my best to protect you from all this, I was so caught up I didn't think and I'm sorry" Harry says.

"Its fine Harry, I didn't realise you were this high profile, like I thought you owned a construction company" Louis says.

Harry looks towards Noah, eyebrows raised. Noah shrugs back at Harry.

"He has absolutely no idea, its not a joke" Noah says.

"Darling, do me a favour and use google" Harry says as he comes over to kiss Louis on the head.

He then picks Louis bag up and walks towards Louis room to put it away, how he knows where Louis room is is beyond Louis but he doesn't question it.

"Louis, please tell me why you sleep on a mattress on the floor, there isn't even a curtain in your room" Harry says his voice controlling, he wants answers.

"Um, I cant afford a bed" Louis says.

Harry looks towards Noah for an explanation.

"He's stubborn and making it on his own and all that" Noah explains. Harry knows Louis's brothers and Noah have money. He smiles at Noah's explanation, shaking his head.

"Look, I've got a meeting, I have to go, Noah, he hasn't eaten, he is coming down with something I can tell. I'll be back tonight, I will bring Thai for dinner" Harry says Domineeringly.

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