Part 16

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Harry reaches the carpark with Alberto but there is no sign of Louis.

"Where's Louis" Harry asks when he sees his team at the bottom.

"Harry don't panic but someone has tampered with Lift B, Louis is inside with Jake and Paddy, the police and fire brigade are on their way" Cal reassures.

"What do you mean someone's tampered with the lift?" Harry asks, worry spilling through him.

"Boss" Charlie says as he comes up behind Harry,

Harry turns around and takes the iPad that's offered.

"That's Sam in the power room, he's the one who's messed with the lift, he's long gone though, exited through the back 5 minutes ago, before we could catch him" Charlie says.

"Fuck" Harry says.

"Is Louis and Paddy okay?" Harry asks.

We've just got the internal camera back online, Paddy is hurt but Louis seems okay, Jake is in there too" Charlie says as he switches the tab on the iPad so Harry can see Louis inside.

"I want to talk to him" Harry says.

"We're working on it" Cal says.

"Where are they stuck?" Harry Asks.

"Between floors 22 and 21" Al says.

"Let's get up there" Harry says.

They all head for the lift that is still working and exit at floor 22.

Harry is then passed a device that's hooked into the iPad that allows him to talk to Louis.


Louis is starting to get worried, before he hears Harry's voice over the intercom in the lift and relaxes a little.

"Louis, baby" Harry says.

"Harry" Louis says relieved.

"Are you okay sweetheart, I can see you, we're coming" Harry says.

"I'm okay, Paddy has a bad cut and and he's still out and Jake is having a panic attack and I can't breathe Harry" Louis says.

"Shit" Harry says off the microphone.

He looks at Al.

"His lungs, they are still swollen from breathing in all that smoke, we need a second ambulance here too" Harry says.

"They are on their way too, fire department are four minutes out" Cal says to Harry.

"Louis listen to me, the fire department are nearly here, you're doing a great job okay, I need you to relax for me. You're all going to be okay I promise" Harry says.

Louis doesn't reply he just nods his head.

"I need to help Jake but Paddy is still bleeding" Louis says.

"Louis, it's Charlie, do you have a belt on" He asks, Louis curses himself.

"No I don't, I don't wear them" Louis says.

"Does Jake" Charlie asks.

Louis turns to Jake then who's still panicking.

"Jake, Jake" Louis tries.

Jake looks at Louis.

"Jake, are you wearing a belt?" Louis asks.

"A what a belt what?" Jake asks confused.

"Listen Jake, look at me" Louis says and Jake does,

"Listen...I know you're scared but the fire department are coming, they are going to get us out, but I need you to give me your belt, can you do that, I need to help Paddy" Louis says.

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