Part 19

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"Owe shit" Louis says as he wakes up to an unbearable pain in his shoulder.

He's still in the lounge, on the hospital bed. He's been changed into fresh navy sweats with a matching T-shirt, his left arm is killing and his right one his hooked up to drips and what looks like blood.

"It's okay Lou" Edward says from beside Louis.

He looks to see Edward leaning over him, Scott behind napping on the couch.

Louis sits up painfully.

"Just take it easy kiddo" Edward scolds slightly.

"I'm fine" Louis says.

"Louis William, just stop, You've just been shot" Edward scolds loudly.

"What time is it" Louis asks.

He swings his legs over the bed wanting to stand up but he's attached to things.

"It's 6am you've been out 7 hours" Edward says and Louis sighs.

"I want Harry" Louis says

"He's just making a phone call, he hasn't left your side all night, none of us have, he will be back in a minute, can you just lie back down" Edward tries.

"No, Edward I'm fine, I want to go to my own bed" Louis says.

"Louis, you're getting blood because you lost a lot and you need the fluids right now" Edward says gently, trying to reason with Louis.

"No, I'm fine just let me up" Louis says.

He reaches for his drip but Edward stops him.

"Don't make me wake Scott" Edward threatens.

Louis doesn't listen and tries his best to move Edwards hand, his shoulder aching like crazy.

"Hey, hey, Lou, what's wrong baby, calm down" Harry says as he comes into the room and over to Louis bed, he kneels down in front of Louis.

"I'm fine and I just want to go to my bed" Louis says.

Harry looks to Edward who returns the distraught face.

"Okay, Okay Sweetheart just stop and I'll get everything put in our room okay, we just needed you out here to watch over you last night" Harry says,

"I don't need watching, I'm fine" Louis says upset.

"Well, the amount of blood you lost was not fine and we need to fix that" Scott says as he wakes up and comes over.

"I don't want someone else's blood in me, I'm fine" Louis says upset.

"Well, Harry's blood saved your life" Scott tells him.

Louis looks towards Harry in disbelief, Harry gave him his blood. Harry winks at Louis as he grabs his hands and kisses them.

"Please just calm down, we just need all the blood to finish going through and then we will unhook you okay. I hate needles and if my blood goes to waist I'll be upset" Harry says pouting at Louis, trying to lighten the mood.

Louis then launches at Harry, he loves him so much and feels so overwhelmed.

"Ohh my darling, it's all okay I promise" Harry says.

"Let's lie back Lou, there's about 20 minutes left and then I'll unhook you" Scott says.

Harry gently lies Louis back down.

"Are you in pain?" Scott asks.

"I'm fine" Louis says and he rolls over facing the wall and away from everyone.

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