Part 18

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Louis wakes the next morning, he's tired and his throat hurts, he still has an oxygen mask on and as he tries to move his arm he notices it has a drip attached. He sighs, he's alone in the room and he takes the opportunity to take the mask off and sit up. He remembers parts of last night and the feeling of not being able to breathe, it was something he never wants to experience again.

His thoughts start to get the better of him and Louis is ripping the drip out and making his way out of the room before he can stop himself. He's still in his sweats and a T-shirt from last night and his hair is a mess he's sure, but he wants to find Harry. He hears voices as he approaches the lounge and when he steps in he sees Harry dressed in jeans and a sweater and all three of his brothers, Ben is standing there as well and they are all talking about something. Harry's head whips around first, sensing Louis.

"Darling" Harry says as he rushes to Louis side. Louis doesn't hesitate before he's latching on to Harry.

"What are you doing out of bed" Harry asks sternly.

"Wanted you" Louis says, his voice barely there.

"I didn't mean to leave you alone for long" Harry says as he holds Louis close.

"Kiddo, I don't know how many times we need to go over the fact that you can't take your drip out yourself" Scott says fondly.

Louis let's go Of Harry and launches for Scott, he's missed his brother. Scott grabs him and picks him up, Louis wraps his legs around Scott's waist and buries his head in the crook of his neck.

Scott is a little surprised at Louis actions, he knows Louis needs him and affection right now and he lets his cold exterior soften for his little brother.

"You're Okay Kiddo" Scott says.

"I'm scared" Louis says and everyone hears it and they all soften at Louis confession.

Louis is never one to take anything lying down, he's always been sassy and fought for what he wants. The boys have such a hard time keeping Louis in line and following the rules they set for him but in this moment, Louis is showing vulnerability and it's enough for his brothers and Harry to sense he really needs them right now. Someone is after his life and dealing with his medical conditions is obviously becoming to much and taking its toll, enough for Louis to act like this.

"Kiddo, we won't let anything happen to you" Edward says as he comes over and places his hand on the back of Louis head in comfort.

Scott sits down on the couch, Louis straddling him, Edward sits next to Scott, Harry on his other side. Drew and Ben take the corner of the wrap around couch.

"I thought I was going to die last night" Louis says as he leans back, his eyes glistening with tears.

"We know, it must have been so scary Lou, but Harry was here and Ben and thankfully they knew what to do. They shouldn't have cleared you yesterday on scene, they should have taken you to the hospital, to Ben to be checked out" Scott says.

Scott has become friends with Ben and they are both on the same page, much to Scott's relief, he trusts Ben and his team to help care for Louis and Ben saved Louis life last night no questions.

"I don't want to die" Louis says.

"Darling, that is not going to happen" Harry says gently as he leans in to swipe Louis fringe off his forehead.

"If I don't die from sickness, Sam and Dan will kill me" Louis says.

"No Louis"

"Don't say that kiddo"

"We won't let anyone touch you"

"You aren't going to die"

The boys all chorus around Louis.

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