Part 21

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"Fuck, I'll give them the money Jesus just make them stop" Harry says as he throws the iPad he can't watch anymore.

"Do you have a hundred million Harry?" Scott asks.

Harry looks to Edward who knows all of Harry's finances.

"The money is definitely not the problem, it's just having it at our quick disposal" Edward says.

"I want to talk to them, please" Harry begs, turning to Drew

Drew nods and goes to call them back, he's trying to keep it together but he's struggling.

The phone rings before Dan is picking up.

"Well If it isn't the famous Harry Styles, to what do we owe this pleasure" Dan speaks.

"If you lay another finger on Louis, I won't give you shit, leave him alone or I'll have the place swarmed in 30 seconds" Harry says angrily.

"Oh Harry, he really has changed you hasn't he. I'm not sure I like it" Sam laughs.

"Does that mean you agree to the terms" Dan says.

"Yes, just leave Louis alone. I'll have the money wired in an hour" Harry says.

"You have a deal, he wouldn't handle another hit anyway, you've picked a weak one Styles, I would be quick if I were you, not sure how long he's got left" Sam spits and the line is dead.

"Okay SWAT has found a way in, they've secured the premises and the will be at Louis side in 4 minutes. They may take longer to diffuse the bomb but they are going in" Drew says.

"So we're not giving them the money or the deal?" Edward asks.

"No, we never were, it's a stalling tactic, we need them calm, to think they are getting what they want until we find a way in. They are expecting the money to be wired and while they wait they won't hurt Louis further" Drew says.

They boys sigh in relief, they just hope Louis is okay.

Louis can hardly move his body, he's in so much pain, he can feel himself slipping, his body slowly giving up. He's lying on the floor watching as Sam and Dan watch their laptop and wait for the money Harry is wiring them. He tries to hold on but he doesn't know how long he can keep his eyes open for.

It's then they hear a loud noise from the ceiling, it happens so quickly. SWAT men enter the room and the place in swarmed in seconds. Sam and Dan are on the ground in a second, handcuffed and arrested.

Three Swat men are at Louis side instantly, untying him and removing his gag.

"Louis, can you hear us" he hears on man say.

Louis nods.

"Good job kid, we need you to stay awake okay, we're going to get you out and to the hospital as soon as we can" another says as they try to reassure him. There are three other SWAT guys trying to defuse the bombs on the door.

They manage to get the chains unlocked and the bomb detonated in record time. Louis feels arms under his legs and shoulders as he's lifted into the air.

"Stay with us Louis" the guy who's carrying him says.

Louis can't though, his body is done and he falls unconscious.

Harry and the boys are brought to the back of the building away from the media and the circus that's at the front of the apartment. They run as soon as they see Louis being placed on the ambulance stretcher.

"Louis" they all call desperately.

"Is he okay, stats" Scott asks as he gets to Louis side.

The ambulance officers have thankfully met Scott before and know he's a doctor.

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