Part 11

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You're supposed to be asleep angel" Harry says from his desk, he senses Louis in the doorway as he looks over his paperwork.

"Missed you" Louis says shyly.

Harry smirks and opens his arms. Louis walks over and curls himself on Harry's lap snuggling close, his shoulder is still sore but feels so much better and Louis is relieved.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks kissing Louis softly.

Louis sighs.

"Fine" Louis says and Harry can't help the fond, that's always Louis response no matter what. Harry is pretty certain if Louis fell down a cliff he'd still say he was fine.

"Are you still upset at me?" Harry asks.

"For calling my work or my brothers?" Louis asks.

"Sweetheart, you fainted right in front of me, I had to call your brothers and can you imagine if you'd gone to work and fainted there, thank god I was here" Harry says shaking his thoughts of what would have happened had he not been home.

Louis is quiet, he's tired and his side is quite sore, he's had a kidney infection before, it knocked him for a six and he knows it's bad news and he won't be able to do anything until he's better. He's just so frustrated at himself though.

"Talk to me baby" Harry says, he knows Louis is upset.

"When I talk no one listens" Louis whispers,

"I'm not your brothers Lou" Harry says.

Louis sighs, he knows Harry is different knows that they are in a relationship and need to talk about these things, especially when Harry is affected too.

"I just feel like a caged animal, I understand my brothers and what I put them through with my recovery and I get that they nearly lost me too, but sometimes I feel like I have so many restrictions and it just gets too much" Louis breaths and Harry tightens his grip.

"Getting the boys to allow me to go to university was insane, they were so against it, I ended up packing my bags and threatening to leave. Then they talked about it and I was allowed to go, but I couldn't party and I couldn't drink excessively and I get I could die but I'm not stupid. Them controlling me makes me want to be stupid though, reckless just to spite them sometimes. I love them Harry, I do but I worked so hard, followed every single rule and I get to the big bad world and I fail, I can't handle it, just like they told me. My body won't cope and I'm just some damsel in distress that has to sit back and watch all my hard work and life pass me by because I'm weak" Louis finishes as he wipes a tear.

"Louis" Harry breathes in disbelief.

Harry manoeuvres Louis so he's straddling Harry's hips, he grabs Louis chin and tilts it so Louis is looking at him in the eyes.

"Darling, the last thing you are is weak. You have been through so much and I know it seems like you've failed but gosh, Louis, you haven't failed anything. You are amazing and so are your designs. You are talented and just because your body can't cope with a full time job does not mean you can't do what you love" Harry says.

Louis looks at him, Harry can see the bags under Louis eyes and it pains him. Louis is sick and he should have noticed and taken action sooner.

"I know what it's like to feel protective over you and I understand where your brothers are coming from but I also understand you need to live and I want to give that to you Louis. You're all that matters to me....this" Harry says as he gestures around "Money, this lifestyle..means something now that I have you" Harry says smiling.

"But for how long Harry, How Long until I become to much. What do you have to set your alarm to now? Every four hours? Sometimes it's every two and for twice as long. I'm a burden"Louis says.

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