Part 5

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The next morning three dozen white roses show up at Louis door.

"I'm not giving up, I'm sorry" It says on the card.

Louis sighs but he can't help the slight smile.

He gets a text message an hour later from an unknown number

"I hope you liked the roses little one" it says and Louis stomach does a flip. How did Harry get his number. Although, Louis should really stop questioning how Harry does things.

"Thank you Harry, they are beautiful" Louis replies.

"So are you" Harry writes.

Louis sighs at his phone, he's so confused. He doesn't reply, instead he spends his day trying to sleep, trying to forget his feelings. His body is showing signs of sickness and he needs to focus on trying to stop himself getting a cold. He's had a big week and was hoping his body wouldn't punish him for it.

Its that night that Louis gets a call from Harry's number, he contemplates rejecting it but he can't deny he wants to hear Harry's voice.

"Hello" He answers.

"Im picking you up in 20 minutes, Dress warm" Harry's voice dictates.

"Harry" Louis starts.

"Not a smart idea to argue sweetheart, see you in twenty" Harry says and hangs up.

Louis looks at his phone surprised, he cant deny he likes when Harry calls him those pet names, when he asserts his dominance. Louis sighs, he decides to get up and dresses in black skinny Jeans, a Grey sweater, he puts his vans on his feet. Louis grabs his wallet and phone and makes his way into the Lounge. Noah has a friend from work over and they are laughing over something, whilst drinking wine.

"Lou?" Noah asks, his friend Jax Looks to Louis and Louis doesn't miss how his eyes linger.

"Im just going out for a while" Louis says.

"Huh, where too, with who?' Noah asks, giving Louis the third degree.

"Don't know where, just with Harry" Louis says.

"With Harry?'" Noah questions and Louis nods.

"I'll be back later" Louis says and heads for the door, feeling uncomfortable under prying eyes.

"Answer my calls Louis" Noah says sternly, Louis exits and sighs, his life can be so frustrating sometimes.

Louis doesn't even know why he's agreeing to meet with Harry, he wants there to be a slight chance that Harry will want him too, want a relationship, but he knows he's setting himself up for a fall, yet he cant stop. He's been going over everything in his head, over and over, he cant sleep, he hasn't eaten and its so frustrating. Especially when he has his brothers questioning his movements at all times too.

Louis makes it to the curb and sees Harry's security guy standing at Harry's Bentley, he opens the back door for Louis, smiling at him. Louis gets in the car and he's met with an insanely hot looking Harry. wearing black skinny jeans and a white jumper, a scarf and jacket are placed over the centre console of the car.

"Thats not warm Louis, where is you coat" Harry scolds.

Louis sighs.

"Well, hello to you too" Louis says.

Harry smirks

"Hello darling" Harry says smiling.

"Why did you call me" Louis asks.

"I wanted to see you" Harry says.

"I bet you're used to getting what you want aren't you" Louis says back.

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