Part 7

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Louis wakes up cold and alone, he looks at the clock and it reads midnight. Louis was hoping Harry would stay the night with him. He remembers how harry made him feel, how amazing he felt in Harry's arms, his touch like fire. Louis doesn't think before he's pulling up Harry's contact in his phone and pressing the call button.

"Louis?" Harry answers on the first ring, Wherever Harry is its loud and he can hear music and voices in the background.

"Hi" Louis says sheepishly, feeling silly for calling Harry.

"Whats wrong Angel" Harry asks as he moves somewhere quieter to talk.

"Nothing, Sorry, I just woke up and you were gone" Louis says.

"Darling i'm sorry, I had some work to attend to, you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you" Harry says.

"It's okay, sorry to keep you from your work" Louis says.

"I will drop everything when you need me Louis, work means nothing when it comes to you, I will drop everything and anything for you" Harry says seriously and Louis insides flutter.

"I'm sorry for calling, I'll talk to you tomorrow" Louis says.

"Get some sleep little one" Harry says and Louis sighs and hangs up.

Louis feels some sort of unease in his gut, he is sure he means a lot to Harry but he cant help feeling there is more to Harry than he's getting. Louis decides to take everyones advice and Google his boyfriend.

Before Louis even finishes typing in Harry's name, there are entries coming up. Hundreds and hundreds of articles about Harry. his love life, his work, his money, Louis sits up in bed completely and utterly overwhelmed. Louis had absolutely no idea Harry was this famous, he feels embarrassed and ridiculous, like he's been living under a rock all his life.

He finds the articles on himself and Harry, a few articles about Harry's ex's and when he's finished Louis is more confused than ever.

Why the hell does Harry Styles want anything to do with him.

Louis finds it hard to sleep, he keeps refreshing the articles as there seems to be a new one all the time. It's 5am when he stumbles across an article showing pictures of Harry, leaving a club with his arm around a guy, Louis has seen his face before, he's a supposed ex. Louis has to keep refreshing the feed for him to believe its dated with todays date. Louis feels like an idiot, the headline even tells him he's a fool. "Louis Tomlinson out, George Lint back in, Harry Styles is back to his old tricks" Louis sighs and closes down his phone.

Louis knew this would happen, knew Harry was to good to be true, he's just glad it happened now and not after Harry got what he wanted. It doesn't hurt any less though and Louis feels like his heart is shattering and he's only known Harry for a few weeks. It's pointless trying to get any sleep and Louis gets up, showers and makes himself a coffee. He gets ready for work and leaves before Alberto is due to pick him up. He walks to work and gets there early, hopefully its a busy day and Louis can keep is mind off Harry.

Harry tries calling Louis all morning with no luck, he's on edge and angry, his staff leaving him be for fear of getting yelled at or fired. Harry in a rage is definitely something no one wants to deal with.

Harry has been trying to refrain himself from turning up at Louis work. According to Noah, Louis left home early, before Alberto was even due to pick him up. Harry can't stand not knowing if Louis is okay or not, He knows something is up with Louis, he's hoping nobody has mentioned this mornings tabloids to him, but Harry knows that Louis has probably been contacted by the media already about it.

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