Part 10

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The next morning, Louis sleeps well passed his alarm, his shoulder kept him awake most of the night and he only settled about 5am. Harry made sure to call Louis office and let them know he wouldn't be in. Andy was fine and hoped Louis felt better. Harry likes Andy and thinks he's a great designer, he sees promising things and the company has been an interest to Harry for a while. Dan though, is someone Harry doesn't like, he's shady and doesn't want Louis working with him, he's heard nothing but bad business rumours about the guy, he can't be trusted.

When Louis wakes he panics when he sees the time, 10am. He rushes out of bed, stumbling from exhaustion and pain. He races to the kitchen still in Harry's University Tee that reaches mid thigh and his boxers. He sees Harry sitting at the breakfast bar, his laptop and paperwork is spread out as he works from home. He's dressed in his sweats and no shirt and Louis is so thankful Harry is all his and no one else gets to see him like this.

"I'm late for work" Louis says.

Harry looks up from his laptop, he's worried about Louis.

"I've called in for you" Harry says.

"What? Why? You could have woken me, why would you do that" Louis asks upset

"What do you mean why would I do that?" Harry asks his voice tense.

"You can't just call in for me, I need to go in, it's only my first month" Louis says.

"You didn't fall asleep until 5am, you've been coming down with something all week, you've got a sore shoulder and you slept through your alarm. You could do with a break Louis" Harry says, voice full of authority.

"That's not your call to make, I'm fine" Louis says heatedly.

"It is my call to make and I called it" Harry says sternly,

Louis looks at Harry tears in his eyes. Dan is going to make his life hell come Monday.

"Is there something wrong? Something you're not telling me?" Harry asks then, concern riddling his features, it's clicked, Louis is hiding something.

"No, just,....ugh" Louis says as he turns around to leave the kitchen.

"Louis wait, what's going on" Harry asks as he follows Louis.

Louis ignores Harry and walks to his room.

"You're hiding something from me, what is it" Harry asks sternly.

"I'm not the one hiding things" Louis spits as he starts gathering his work documents and putting them in his bag. He grabs some sweats and pulls them on as quick as he can with one arm.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Harry asks hands on his hips.

Louis spins around to face Harry a few tears have escaped.

"The other night, you didn't say two words to me all night, you were angry at me and I don't even know what I did. Then you wouldn't even explain who the guy at the door was and then last night the guy in the bathroom. You didn't even give me the respect to tell me who he was and what he wanted either. You live this whole other life and you just expect me to not question it, Dan told me you're only with me because you want his and Andy's company and you're using me. I didn't believe him but you hide another life from me and Im so confused" Louis says as he catches his breath.

"I'm not hiding anything from you, I'm trying to protect you, the guy at the door was an old business partner, the one in the bathroom an Ex, no-one I want you associating with. The thought of you near them makes my blood boil. Your safety is number one and I'm sorry if I've come across like I'm hiding things it's not my intention" Harry says.

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