Part 2

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When the boys make it back to their Dorm they strip down to their boxers and begin to get ready, Louis not really having much to wear, in his whole time at University he never really had time to go out so he isn't used to the party scene. It's also one of the things his brothers made as a condition of him going to uni alone, no wild parties and no drinking excessively. Louis was fine with that though, preferring to study and learn.

Noah on the other hand, loves a good party and to dress up. if you'd met Louis and Noah without knowing them, you would assume Noah was Gay and not Louis, he has a flare for fashion.

"So Lou, you going to tell me what happened when you wandered off today?" Noah asks as they eat roman noodles for dinner on the couch, thats as far as both boys culinary skills go.

"Oh Um nothing, I just kind of ran into a really hot guy" Louis says failing to hide his blush.

"What? Ive never heard you say anything like that in the three years we've known each other SPILL" Noah says excitedly.

"I dunno, there was just something about him, I bumped into him accidentally and he caught me before I made an ass of myself and hit the ground. he was so fucking hot" Louis says, remembering the details of his encounter.

"Does he go here? whats his name, did you give him your number?" Noah asks.

"I'd never seen him before, he was dressed in a suit and looked rich and a few years older. probably a brother of a student or something" Louis says shrugging.

"So you don't know his name or number?" Noah asks confused.

"No, we didn't exchange numbers or anything, it wasn't like that, he wasn't interested, I just thought he was hot. his name was something Styles, someone called him Mr Styles" Louis says and Noah nearly chokes on his noodles.

"Styles, as in Harry Styles?" Noah asks and Louis shrugs not knowing who the hell Harry Styles is.

Noah knits his brows, Louis is obviously oblivious to who this guy is and Noah knows nothing will ever happen there, Harry is a very well known business mogul, he made the top 10 Forbes most richest under 30 and he is a sort after mysterious bachelor. His private life is not private and he's constantly in the news, whether for his business or personal life. Noah knows Louis isn't really into tabloids and gossip, he was headlines for a year after the accident and Noah knows its a soft spot for Louis and he doesn't like to talk about it much. Louis will probably never see Harry ever again anyway, so he doesn't mention anything. Harry has shares in the university they attend so he was probably there on business.

"Well I say we forget about hooking up and go have us some fun before we vacate this place for good in two days" Noah says.

Louis smiles, he cant wait to start the next chapter of his life in London, he's secured a job with one of the smaller architecture firms, its not much pay but he doesn't care, he loves designing and will work his way up from the bottom.

"Sounds good to me" Louis says as he gets up to get dressed.

"Oh actually, before we hit the club with the rest of the crew, I kind of need to attend one of mums parties for a bit, be my date?" Noah asks hopefully.

Noah knows Louis hates the high class parties, Noah has made him attend plenty, they are so boring and Louis always gets hit on and its awkward. He doesn't have money like Noah does and he feels so out of place. Louis has been friends with Noah long enough to know that he wont take no for an answer though.

"And you were going to tell me when?" Louis asks rolling his eyes, knowing Noah kept it from him so he couldn't bail last minute.

"Now" Noah Smiles "Look, I have to meet the boss of the new firm I'm hoping to work for in London. I just need to make a good impression so my job is really secure" Noah says.

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